Title says it all.. Two days ago.. Felt horrible all day, seriously horrible. towards the evening, I couldn't even think about eating anything, I felt like I was constantly gagging, I was dizzy.. Went upstairs to the loo, coughed, and felt better, so I guessed seeing as I had flu it was just mucus annoying my throat and that I was better.. But took a bucket to bed anyway. 1:20 AM yesterday morning I was sick. Yum yum lol, it was horrible, happened 2 more times before 3 A.M then finally got to sleep.. Once more at 8 A.M. and now its been 30 hours but I still dont know whether to eat anything. I can drink water, lucozade, fizzy stuff but I don't know whether to eat or not. I just don't want to be sick again. I think that it was flu, because I'm still feeling horrid now (but not sick) and I went to my mum's friend house who has toddlers, played with them, ate something because I was too embarassed to ask to wash my hands (I wont be too embarassed again!) and then felt grotty the next day. Does anyone have any advice about whether I should eat or not please? I still dont fancy anything yet and dont WANT to eat, but I know I will have to soon. Really dont want to be sick again! Thank you xx