Did your GP tell you to up your dose or did you just up it yourself?

Basically, with anti-depressants, things often get worse before they get better and the first 4-5 weeks of starting a course or increasing the dose can make depression/anxiety/panic worse. You say you don't want to hear people tell you that it can make your anxiety worse but I'm afraid that's just the way it is.

The thing with anti-depressants is that while they're very effective at what they do, they don't actually treat the root cause of the problem, so unless you're getting help and support with all the things that are making you feel bad, they won't work to their full potential, know what I mean? Are you getting some kind of ongoing therapy/counselling to help with the way you feel?

Although you feel more anxious at the moment, it's TEMPORARY and should pass over the next 2 or 3 weeks once your body has adjusted to the higher dose.

Sorry if I've made you feel worse, I don't mean to, I'm just telling you like it is so you know what's going on and can understand that it's normal to feel the way you're feeling when you start taking a higher dose of AD's xx