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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I so want to enjoy the holidays without worrying about someone being sick. I get down to my in-laws this morning only to find out that my mother in law woke up with a migraine about 3 am this morning. She says she is still feeling weak, but not sick to her stomach, and she ate lunch, so, I assume she is alright. My father in law is a different story. He says he wole up about 5 am and was vomiting and sick to his stomach for a few hours, and still aint feeling to froggy. Heres the thing about him though .......... he drinks. If you really want to be truthful about it, he's probally an alcoholic. He drinks everyday, sometimes he is so drunk or hungover, he cant even work. He has been off work this whole past week, so all he has really done is stay at home and drink. He claims that he got sick from some oyster soup they ate last night, but no one else that ate it has been sick .......... My mother in law asked him not to drink today seeing as how we had alot planned with family. (We are cooking a pig on the grill for New Years, all the family is home, the men have been skeet shooting, ect.....) So I dont know if what was making him so sick was withdrawals or just from the fact that he has drank so much the past week. I just hate this!!!! What do you guys think?

    Oh, and to top things off, as I was leaving my in-laws to come home to get a few things (and post on here.....) my son says, my tummy hurts. He has been fine all day, has eaten a played around. He has drank alot of sprite right before I left, maybe it was that. I sure hope it is nothing else!!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Lots of pop will give a child a tummy ache for sure. He just needs to belch a few lines to get it out. As for your father-in-law, he may have a drinking problem. My parents were both alcoholics and went to AA for help. But if your step dad doesn't believe there is a problem, than there's nothing you can do. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
    <font color=RED><font size=\"4\"> FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL----fear</font>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    And thats the sad part, he doesnt think he has a problem. He is a good person, except for the drinking.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    I just went thru the same thing with my kids, no one wanted to eat dinner, then my 10yr old says her stomach hurts.... great!!! Then she said she lied about it cause she is sick of eating chicken. Oh well!! So at least I didnt react like I do, usually shaking, teeth chattering, feel like I could sh*t my pants!! They are fine now, just dont want the dam chicken!! Whats up with the chattering teeth, I mean sometimes if I am nervous enough I cant even talk!! anyone else have the darn chattering teeth??



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