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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey all,

    Man does anyone else get this? I hate it. Its been happening the past few days, its like well I wont eat for awhile, then when I do eat, Im fine, then my stomach starts feeling awful and bleh and sick and crampyish, not real bad, but enough to be uncomfortable and annoying, and then after awhile it passes. Its just grrr. Of course with the holidays it means eating at peoples places, and that hasnt helped. Also my stupid IBS likes to get in on the game too. I wish people could trade in digestive tracts for new ones.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    When you don't eat for a while, your stomach can become very sensitive to solid food. People who have not eaten solid food in a couple of days need to be reintroduced to solid food slowly. A lot of the time this means staying ona liquid diet and than slowly introducing solid food into the system.

    You need to eat slowly and light, nothing heavy like meat. Try crackers, or soup and bread. Eat these slowly as you cannot force your stomach to accept it all at once, or you will get sick. Jell-o is great for this kind of situation!! Hospitals serve Jell-o all the time. Edited by: sparky2004
    <font color=RED><font size=\"4\"> FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL----fear</font>

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United Kingdom


    yup i know the feeling, i used to be anorexic and i know just the feeling. I wouldnt eat for days then when i did it ade me feel so ill. The only way i can describe it that its like the food just hits your stomach because the stomach does get sensitive when empty. i would suggest the same as sparky2004 - eat only light food and eat little and often

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey there,

    Yeah thanks for the advice, very wise words! I dont think ive eaten so light tonite tho, because i had to eat at my dads fiances house, and it was good food, but yeah it does kinda hit you I guess. Also I think Im fighting off this weird cold/bleh flu bug that is being passed around, and those who have had it have felt nauseas with it, and that could be it some too. My bf has it, its really respiratory, but another affect seems to be nausea. My step sis was REAL sick with it christmas (flu respiratory) and she also was nauseas with it. Yeah tomorrow tho i will try and eat light. I am fighting this off, and am feeling quite ok except that and a little sore throat some.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    lots of people tend to get nauseous when they have cold/flu symptoms....its all the stupid drainage. What's the old addage, starve a cold, feed the flu...what ever I always tend to lose my appetite when I get sick, course when you head gets all stuffed up and you can't taste anything anyway, you really feel like...what's the point?

    stick to the light foods, chicken soup always best when you have a cold, and Sparky is right, there's always room for jell-o.
    msn IM: Abbey_Normal

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    I have the same issues. I don't feel hungary all day, then when I
    do, I eat like a pig. An hour later I feel horrible. I
    promise myself I will eat 3 meals a day, and eat healthy, but it never
    works. Not to mention when I do eat, it's what I'm craving at the
    time....fries, burgers, fatty stuff. Totally unhealthy!!!
    I wish I cold trade my digestive track and my phobia for a
    more exciting one!!! Maybe a phobia of spiders! Those I can
    ignore. Feel better! Carrie

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Yep, it seems when you go a while with an empty stomach, those acids tend to just "jump" on the first thing thatthey come in contact with. Also your stomach probably gets excessive amounts, which really can tear you up after a while of not eating.

    Maybe eat a tiny bit, all throughout the day, and I am sure big meals will come much easier!!! [img]smileys/smilies_04.gif[/img] Charlotte

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Yeah, I think im fighting off flu, I can feel those glands in my throat like they hurt some, feel sore, and well i dont have any drainage (nose is clear) butI still feel just off stomach wise. Is that common? I thought with flu your not supposed to get any stomach problems. Mebe this one strain is different some or something.



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