If your therapist is a good therapist she will do it at your own pace. If she is not, you report her. You sound a bit like me; a bit of an overachiever? I feel incredible pressure to be as perfect as I possibly can- I want to be faster, better, more thorough than everyone else. But with this CBT I'm realising that it's taken me 10 years to build up this level of fear.... I have to let it take time to rebuild. And I know if I push myself too hard and too fast I will get overwhelmed and quit. I don't want that. I want to be free. Every day I am closer to being free of this.

I totally understand that you're scared. It goes against our instincts all these things that we're asked to do. I am scared a lot too (like last night was AWFUL) But I don't want to live like this anymore. I keep in mind that pain is temporary. My freedom will be forever.