And to Avath. It's really hard when you have no support system that you can talk face to face with but I don't think it's good to cancel therapy because right now that's helping you. As for eating I really do understand. I've had quite a few comments that I've lost too much weight but I don't want to eat until I'm overly full because then I'm afraid I'll get nauseaus. Here's what I have noticed though and it was kind of a lightbulb moment for me. As soon as my world starts to crumble around me and I lose control of everything my emetophobia starts to get MUCH worse because that's the only thing I feel like I can control. My husband and I had some money issues and were living on almost nothing and that's when the emetophobia got worse was when I had no control over money. As soon as my bank account hits zero I start to panic and control other things around you. As for the eating pick foods that are tasty and foods you love to start with. I am not a big fan of forcing yourself to eat foods you don't like just for the sake of eating. You need to enjoy the food and taste it.