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Thread: stresssss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Sorry for bringing other personal life issues to the board, but I have no place to vent. I'm awaiting my monthly visitor which should have been here by now. Its a couple days late I believe. I have a horrible headache right now which I'm hoping is because my period is going to be starting. I'm so bloated and fat. I took some medicine that contains a diuretic so I can pee some of this bloat out. Ugh.

    My brother has been out of college since December 14th for Christmas break and he doesnt return to school until January 18th. I love my brother and everything but he is starting to get on my nerves. He's so angry at the world and he screams his frustrations to the animals. Animals are everywhere here and so is his freaking screaming. Then he keeps opening and closing his door and going up and down the steps. Slamming this object and screaming about it. A little while ago he was thumping around in his room. He's everywhere and I can't stand it. I feel so selfish for talking like this and I have no right to say this when this is my brothers home just as much as it is mine. Maybe it's PMS or straight stress talking--I don't know. I'm just very depressed and stressed out and I like peace and quiet when I am. And I also like to shut out the world and just be alone when I'm really down in the dumps. I feel like I have to show the world this huge smile when others are present and when I'm alone I'm allowed to let the tears flow without worrying.


    Sorry for ranting and sorry for sounding selfish. My head aches, my heart aches, everything aches. Have you ever been so stressed out where your chest actually feels funny and little things get so much anger flowing through your veins? Thats how I am now. I'm on edge--and I freaking hate it. I see the counselor tomorrow so maybe I can rant to her and get some advice.

    Well, thanks for listening. I really appreciate it. Please dont yell at me for being selfish about the whole brother situation. I already realize I'm wrong for saying and feeling it--but I can't help what I say or feel....I love him though, but sometimes I just need to be alone, ya know?
    <font size=\"2\"><font color=red>aol/aim screename: kraziqtashes&lt;br&gt;

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    You are not being selfish!! All us women have those days where
    EVERYTHING bothers us and we cry at the drop of a hat. I too am
    expecting the monthly visitor in a couple of days. My panic
    attacks and nerves always get worse this time if the month. I'm
    not sure what to say for advice about your brother. Does he have
    anger issues? Because it sounds like something is really
    bothering him. Are your parents around? Do they always let
    him run around the house screaming at the pets and slamming
    doors? Maybe you need to approach him, nicley, and talk to him
    about what is bothering him, and explain your situation as well.
    That would bother me too...even if I wasn't expecting my period.
    Hope all is well. Carrie

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Yep. Sounds like you have pms. Try clsoing the door to your room, turning on some tunes, and drinking hot tea. Vent, vent and vent again. I am prone to crying before my monthly. So I cry. I know what's causing it. Sometimes I can really feel like crap, and want to be alone. I do what I need to and what feels comfortable at that time.

    This too shall pass.
    <font color=RED><font size=\"4\"> FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL----fear</font>

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Uh huh...that's PMS. Try watching a sad movie that makes you cry. I realize this sounds stupid to purposefully make yourself sad, but sometimes when emotions and stress build up a really good cry can make you feel better. Or maybe that's just me. I rarely turn into MEGA B**CH with PMS, I tend to cry for no reason. When my ex and I first moved in together I went on acrying jag because of my period, he kept asking "What's wrong?" and all he could get out of me was a blubbering "I don't know", so he freaks and calls my mom, who begins laughing and asks him to check my pills to see when I'm due. He discovers I am due for the visit and mom says give her a chocolate bar (don't ask, this is just me)

    So curl up with a sad movie and some chocolate and hang in there. I've said it before and I'll say it again, isn't it fun being a girl. [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]
    msn IM: Abbey_Normal

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Hi Hon...

    I definately do not think you are selfish. Its ok to feel how you feel. I sure hope that your brother gets better. I'm so sorry that you are feeling this way. And yes around that time of the month our emotions tend to get a bit weird. But please know that things will get better ok?? When I feel like I need peace and quiet I put on my CDman and just zone out just focus on my breathing and try to drown out all the anger and frustration. Anger is such a toxic feeling it can consume you, I have been there. please know you are not alone ok?? You can IM me anytime Rogsgrrl88 on AIM.

    Hope you are feeling better soon.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2004


    Well I certainly know what stress does to you... and hey you know my situation too right?</font>



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