Okay so not long ago, my 6-year-old cousin came over; for about...say 10 minutes. She told me she didn't go to school today. I asked her why, and she said because she has a bad cough. So i was fine. I mean it's just a cough, hoow bad could it be!?
BUT... then she said she didn't go to school yesterday either. I asked her if her tummy was fine yesterday, and she said "it was a bit sore, and i has a little V*" OMG OMG OMG! She said then she didn't eat much for luch, but she did eat well after that. now; im just freaking out about catching whatever in hell she has, because she rolled around, AND did a sommmer-sault on my bed. If i sleep in it, will I be okay!? I did keep a fair distance from her though. PLEASE HELP IM DYING (not literally) HERE! PLEEEASEE!