I have to agree with most of these posts about non emets just carelessly going about their day as normal. I remember my son going to school one day and while we were waiting to go in, this crazy mother said "Oh my little boy was up all night with diarhoea and sickness but I cant keep him home as I have an appointment" I thought WTF??????? Me and a few other non emet mothers sort of shuffled up and one even told her to get her child out of here and take him home. I personally was livid. Not only did I not want to catch it, but the boy must have felt awful. I also took my son out of private nursery when he was little as I saw too often parents (the hardcore working sort) bring their child in with Calpol and stuff just because they couldnt take time off. It was disgraceful.
Over time my children have driven me wild when they say "I dont feel well" Im a questioning freak when they say that and I do anything to distract them. I swear I would dig them gold if it would stop them complaining and frightening me!!!
When I drop my daughter off at nursery Im all ears listening to hear if anyone has been sick. If they have I would and HAVE taken my child out of school to avoid it. Despite knowing deep down that this is ridiculous as it can spread in a matter of time.
I hate people who say they have been sick and just came back into work, or even worse say they have just been sick in the toilet and come back in to finish their shift!!!! GO HOME!
But I do think the majority dont think like us, so we have to assume we are the ones with the problem. Although saying that, if my kids or me were ill I would never invite someone else over as I wouldnt want anyone else to get it.