I am super emet BUT I will say there is such a thing as controlled drinking. Beer before liquor never sicker...liquor before beer, in the clear. THAT is my first advice. Second, I am a social drinker but have never been drunk. If you go out and want to have fun but not be someone you are not comfortable with then just pick a drink of choice and stick with that. Only have 2 drinks...even if you feel like "hmmm i feel warm and kind of different" that is not drunk or anything close to vomiting from drinking. I drink wine when at dinner and you will just know how much you like and want. You are not just all of the sudden going to be drunk and getting sick. 2-3 drinks are fine. Go out and have fun but no driving missy! You are in control of some things and not in control of others...THIS you can control. Drink responsibly