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Thread: Am i crazy??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Question Am i crazy??

    Does anyone else get really....mad when someone is s. or v. !?? I feel like I get SO angry and mad that people even do it , especially when they just do it wherever! And i ALWAYS seem to see it, just happen to look at the right...or wrong moment, never fails! In my head i'm thinking that's disgusting! WHY would you do that there! I know logically most people cant help it , but i guess it's my fear of it and how i react to it that makes me angry !?? I think WHY does that even have to be something human beings have to do!?? blagh. I just feel guilty for being mad at something so silly, it's just so foreign to me, and horrifying.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Default Re: Am i crazy??

    I also get really mad. Part of it is that people put themselves in situations where they might v, because it's not a big deal to them. And part of it is them not being able to hold on for even 5 seconds to turn away, or run outside or whatever. It's not crazy, it's part of the phobia.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Gettysburg PA

    Default Re: Am i crazy??

    I understand the anger, I really do. I've yelled at my brother for getting sick. I've hit my dad once because after all day of him feeling sick and my anxiety through the roof he pretended like he was about to vomit ON me. (I didn't mean to hit him, it just happened before I realized it, but he has never done that again.) I've also used the anger to get through things though. Once someone got sick in front of the school dining hall (they had JUST eaten, they MUST have felt sick beforehand, why the hell were they there in the first place?). I avoided the place for a full day, then I got so mad because the dining hall had the best French toast, great sausage, and I was hungry! I got mad at the vomit (which was actually no longer there) and marched up to "confront" it to prove that it couldn't keep me away from MY food. Who did that puddle think it was? Did it think it could just sit there and laugh at me while I scurried past? The anger can be harnessed and used to overcome things. I would NEVER have walked somewhere that I knew there was a puddle of vomit, I was/am as afraid of the substance as I am the act which creates it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Am i crazy??

    I am also afraid of the substance itself, and it seems as though I have some horrible radar for it! If it's there I WILL see it, as if i'm looking for it ! It's awful and makes me mad, but I wish it didn't!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Am i crazy??

    I understand completely. My reaction to someone getting s. has been to become furious with them for as long as I can remember. I just stumbled across this phobia tonight in my random googling due to norovirus going around my county. I never realized it was so widespread, i've been phobic since i was a little kid.

    I figure getting angry is a defense mechanism of the phobia. Down to fight or flight in most cases, those who are fighters react to things with anger, flighters will break down. I recently had to cope with my wife getting off pain meds after years of use. The withdrawals process was pretty awful and in alot of ways broke down my phobia over the actual process of someone v., but it was hard, I'd get so enraged that I dented the drywall a few times after i fled the room she was in.

    Now I'm stuck with being phobic over getting a s.v. and v. myself. I minored in psych in college, i can't count the number of times I remember getting a s.v. in my lifetime on one hand, and yet I get so afraid I spend hours scouring the internet for the same basic information I already know about how to avoid catching a bug. The logical side of my brain sees it is all so pointless, but the compulsion to do something to quell my fear still keeps trucking along. My anger is now directed at myself for this stupid obsession. It makes me mad that I can practice martial arts and take physical punishment from falls and getting hit with a laugh, but the idea of a tummy ache makes me want to cut off all contact with the world and never eat again. Primal emotions are odd that way. But no, you're not crazy. I thought i was too until I found this site and realized I'm not alone.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Indiana, United States

    Default Re: Am i crazy??

    I sometimes get angry with people for v*ing in front of me. Mostly it's just when I KNOW they could have prevented it. "Drink too much? That's your fault, not mine. YOU made yourself that way. Suck it up and get sick all by yourself. I'm not rubbing your back or taking care of you!" Now, if someone has morning sickness or ate something horrible, I do have sympathy for them. They couldn't help it. I feel bad that they have to go through it. And it normally doesn't bother me to hold their hair back or get them a cold washcloth. I can comfort if it's my husband or a close friend or child, but that's it. I get angry if I know the person didn't even try to make it to a toilet or outside...or a trashcan...SOMETHING. But no, some people just sit/stand there for minutes and complain about their bellies hurting...and then, BOOM! They're sick! Go to a bathroom. Geez! It REALLY ticks me off when people know they've been sick and say NOTHING to me about it. Like for example, once one of my friends invited my husband and I over to hang out. After we'd been hanging out for an hour or so, I went back to their bedroom where the guys were playing the x-box. I asked her husband why they weren't hanging out with us. He looked at me and said, "Didn't she tell you?! I've been puking and crappin' my brains out for the past 12 hours." Oh. My. God. I was LIVID! Seriously?! Then she preceeds to tell me the night before, her kids both had diarrhea and laid around all night. WHY would you KNOW I had this fear...and just conveniently forget to tell me that your whole family had been sick? She was sick the next day with it...and so was my husband. Thank God, I never got it! I felt a little icky but I think it was just nerves. Point blank, she should've told me. That's what makes me the most mad out of everything to do with vomit....

    "Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, forgive the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it! Nobody said it'd be easy, they just promised IT WOULD BE WORTH IT!"

    My Emet Vlog:
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    The most isolated province in Canada

    Default Re: Am i crazy??

    My dear, I don't believe you're crazy.
    Everyone with this fear has a different reaction to seeing someone throw up. Some people get angry, some panic, some become upset or depressed...I myself simply feel as if I'm going to faint.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Am i crazy??

    Have to agree with the above. I start shaking and have extreme anxiety.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Am i crazy??

    I just panic. I freak. My pulse races. I do get annoyed when people drink excessively, so I avoid bars lately. But yeah, I get grossed out and panic and feel like I need a shower.

    Last week (TMI warning) someone must have v* in a walkway at the mall. And a woman and security guard were standing like 2 feet from it, flirting. I was like WTF are you doing??? there is a puddle of v* on the floor and you are hitting on her?? It was so gross to me and I can't walk on that little walkway now...I am sure I'll be fine in a few weeks, but I have flashbacks....



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