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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    I am 26 years old, married and have two small children - my daughter is 10 months and my son is 21 months old.

    I have always been completely freaked out by vomiting. I have lots of horrible memories of being a child and either getting sick myself or having to be around others who were sick (elementary school, for example). As a teenager/young adult - I avoided going out to eat, tried to avoid being out in public too much during the late fall/winter during "flu" season in fear of catching the dreaded stomach virus that seems to go around each year. In "flu" season I would usually wash my hands a zillion times a day, try to avoid large crowds, and just in general try to avoid doing anything that I thought might bring it upon myself. I can usually appear normal still to those around me. I remember going out with friends as a teenager and never ordering food when we would go out to eat as a group and just claiming I wasn't hungry, but the truth was that I was constantly afraid that I would get the stomach virus from anything and everything, and was always so terrified that anything I ate might come back up later. But I doubt anyone around me knew that. I have never shared the true depth of my phobia to anyone - not even my husband - although he does know that vomiting freaks me out. He has no idea to what extent though. We have never really had to cross that path before until this week, when it all came to a head.

    I have two small children who are inevitably going to get sick. Seriously, the moment we found out we were pregnant with my son, one of my first fears was facing the day that he would get the stomach virus. I know that is not normal! Now my fears during "flu" season have shifted onto my children getting sick, trying to avoid taking them anywhere or possibly exposing them to anyone who has been sick, constantly santizing them. It does not work, they still get sick. I work full time so they have to attend daycare which is a breeding ground for germs and viruses to spread. So I knew this day would come, and I kept telling myself I would get over my fear when I was forced to, and sure enough - the day is here! And I am not getting over it.

    New Years Eve my husband and I attended a party (the kids stayed with a sitter). The moment we arrived a couple different people at the party announced that their kids had the stomach flu at home. Omg yikes, my heart started pounding, my mind was racing, but I was trying to play it cool. I normally try to avoid being around anyone who even mentions that dreaded word for a solid two weeks if I hear they have been sick or anyone in their immediate family has been sick. But I was confronted at this party and we had literally just arrived, and I had no escape to leave. Plus, my husband does not know or understand the full extent of my phobia so it was not something I could easily explain to him. I decided to tough it out, and stay, but I did not eat or drink a single thing while we were there, and I did not enjoy myself at all the entire night because I was too busy secretly having panic attacks over being around people who had sick kids at home. My husband did not think anything of it though so he drank, he ate, he had a great time with no worries.

    Sure enough, not even 10 hours later, husband is sick - vomiting and diarrhea. I woke up on New Years Day to see him slumped over the couch looking horribly sick and instead of trying to comfort him, I started panicking and felt like I could not breathe. I sent him to the bedroom and quarantined him there while I locked the kids in a seperate room and started to lysol and bleach every surface he may have touched, desperately trying to make it germ-free. I feel horrible. He was really, really sick and could barely sit up on his own. I should have been by his side, but instead my phobia made me panic and run away from him. I stayed away from him until he came out of the bedroom on his own and claimed he felt much better. He ate and drank some (kept it down) and then I still was not nice to him - I handed him bleach and a bunch of cleaning tools, sent him into the bedroom and told him to disinfect every surface in there because I was not coming in the bedroom again until it had been done.

    Then a few hours later, I got sick. I had not eaten anything for a good 24 hours before getting sick in anticipation that it was going to hit me - and I am glad for that - but the virus took a much harder blow on me because of that. I am only just now starting to feel slightly better, but I am still too freaked out to eat anything or try to drink anything. I have only been taking small sips of water since this happened on New Years Eve and I am very dehydrated, run down and feeling malnourished. But I cannot bring myself to eat or be around food right now without having severe anxiety or panic attacks about it. Everytime I try to think about eating something I am convinced it will come back up so I can't do it.

    I thought we were in the clear and the kids would be fine, but last night my son got sick. He was very very sick, it was heartbreaking. He was throwing up 20 mins apart for six hours. We thought we might have to take him to the ER last night. It was scary. I should have taken care of him. I could not do it. The moment I saw he was throwing up, I instantly panicked and started hyperventilating. My husband looked to me to help with taking care of our son, the clean up of vomit and just holding him while he threw up and trying to comfort him, and I could not do it. I was frozen. I locked myself in the bathroom and started hyperventilating and crying. I could hear my son sobbing in the next room, upset and confused about what was happening to him, and I knew my husband was struggling on his own, but I just could not do it. I am a horrible mom. My heart wanted to run to my baby and take care of him and tell him everything was going to be OK, but my brain would not let me function and I could not go to him. My husband does not understand my reaction and is very confused and upset with me for the way I handled it last night. I tried to tell him I couldnt be around the vomiting and could not be around my son but he did not even remotely understand why. He just thinks I am selfish and a horrible mother. I ended up taking a heavy dose of sleeping pills last night and knocked myself out for 8 hours because I was too anxiety-ridden to help my husband. My son scares me the most with his vomiting - he is a toddler so is not able to tell me yet when he is feeling sick, and gets sick all over the place with absolutely no warning. It scared me so bad that I could not bring myself to touch him or even be near him, and all he wanted was mommy, and he kept calling me, but I could not bring myself to go get him. All I could think about was what if he vomited on me, or near me, or even within my sight? I cried so many tears last night over this and even today knowing that I did not help my son when he was in need of me.

    My son seems better this morning - no vomiting for 12 hours and he was able to keep down some food this morning. I am relieved for him, but still paralyzed in fear. My daughter still has not had the virus yet and now I wait for when the bomb will drop. I refuse to eat or drink anything knowing that this virus is still around and I have read plenty of things online the last few days that have thoroughly freaked me out - like the virus can live on surfaces for 10 days and that people can get reinfected even once you have already had the virus. All I can think about now is maybe I am going to get it again, maybe we will all just keep passing it around to each other non-stop in some viscious cycle. I know it is not normal to have these thoughts but they are consuming me. The worst part is I cannot be a good mom to my kids with his constant fear. My husband never had any idea that my fear of vomiting was this severe and he witnessed my hyperventilating and panic attacks last night. We have not talked about it - I know he is angry with me and confused as to why I "checked out" last night and did not help with our son, and I feel embarassed by my behavior and ashamed that I am a horrible mother for not helping my son.

    Please help me to cope with this situation - I am fully expecting my daughter to be sick by this evening and don't know how I can handle this with another child and an already angry husband.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Default Re: New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    Wow that sounds intense. I really feel for you. If it's any consolation now that you've had this year's norovirus you're immune to it until next "season" which will be several months from now for sure.

    All that bleaching and isolating of family members is of no use once someone in the house is showing symptoms. That's because people are contagious when they're incubating the virus which is 24-48 hours previous to showing the symptoms.

    Welcome to the site, and I wish you all the best in finding help and support here. Click on the link to my website and you'll find all kinds of information about treatment, as well as noroviruses and how they work!
    For more info about emetophobia and treatment:

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    Thank you for the reply. Since writing this my daycare provider called to let us know that our daughter (10 months) has been throwing up and has the virus too. Seriously...does this thing ever end? I am at my wits end. My husband is going to pick her up now and I am trying to pull myself together to prepare to help him tonight to take care of her and not pull the same stunt I did last night. I am freaking out though. I dont want to be a bad mom, but I don't do vomit and I am paralyzed just thinking of it. I feel so insane - this is clearly not normal - and so ashamed and embarassed still that my husband saw me panic last night. I have 30 mins before they are going to be home and I am trying to pull all of my strength and courage together to be as close to normal as possible when they get here.

    What you said does help some...if I truly cannot get the same virus again, that at least gives me a little piece of mind. But I am still not good at being around vomiting, and I dont know how I am going to be brave enough to handle my daughter tonight.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Default Re: New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    I understand about your anxiety even though you can't catch it again...it's just a trigger for it. But please don't be ashamed. If you had cancer or pneumonia it wouldn't be shameful and a mental illness is the same thing, you can't help it. However there is treatment and life beyond emetophobia so don't despair!

    And btw yes it does end! Now that everyone in your house has had it, it will end for this season! Relax and try to be there for the babe.
    All the best,
    For more info about emetophobia and treatment:

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    DISCLAIMER ~ Any advice I give on this forum is well-intentioned and given as to a peer or friend or for educational purposes. It does not in any way constitute psychotherapeutic or medical advice. Please discuss anything you may learn from my posts with your doctor and psychotherapist prior to making any decisions or changes or taking any actions.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    I'm so sorry, this sounds so horrible. The anticipation is the worst, wondering who it will hit next. You are doing your best, hang in there. Sometimes when my boys are sick, I will allow myself to hide away for part of the time, and then I do force myself to do one or two things that take me out of my comfort zone, like check on my boy, or empty a barf bucket. I do that for two reasons-first, because I don't like to think this phobia got the best of me completely, and two, because I feel like if I can do one or two things even that freak me out, then there is hope that someday I can do it all. I never want to lose that hope. One good thing about this...you've all had the sv for the season, so now you can relax! That is a good feeling, especially knowing you cannot reinfect yourself. Take care of yourself, don't be too hard on yourself, and I hope your baby girl is better.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    australia, NSW

    Default Re: New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    lovey that sounds so difficult. you have done astonishingly well to be in a houshold full of sick people. your daughter may of had the worste at daycare. i know its difficult but this is where you need to stand up to your phobia and "force" yourself to be in the room for 20 seconds. then leave. then come back for 30 seconds. then leave. then try for 50 seconds and so on. this is what i did when i had to babysit a sick child. and i was a wreck like you were! so gradually. and i can just so picture myself in you, when you say that you just couldnt be in the room. of course your first reaction is to escape and leave the situation. thats when as soon as you feel that panick set in and you feel like running you say to yourself, no! and stay for that few seconds..then leave. im probably going on and it may sound silly but thats what i did, and you will feel so proud just for doing that! you need to have a talk to your husband. just an honest, calm conversation about your phobia and explain it to him. if he saw the way you reacted last night then he should believe you when you tell him all about it. and ask him to "support" you through it. do you know what caused your emet? i know when i had to tell people as soon as i explained what happened to me they suddenly became understanding. and you are not a bad mother. you are a very good mother. you have done so well to push yourself to the limits for your children. what you did was incredibly hard but you did it because of them. soo many people with this phobia wouldnt of been able to stay in the same house let alone the next room if this would happen. i am amazed myself i wouldnt of been able to do it. you should be proud of the way you mentally handled that. dont know about you but that doesnt sound like no slefish horrible mother to me. not to say you fell ill with it yourself. you-1...emetophobia-0 !!!
    Last edited by emmalinda; 01-06-2011 at 03:45 AM.
    No passion so effectively robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    High Wycombe, England

    Default Re: New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    Hi, Sounds like my worst nightmare, I currently live on my own which is a blessing for an emetophobe. I know exactly how clean everything in the flat is, when I last cleaned it and what's touched it since.

    I personally don't like the idea of submitting to my phobia either though.

    I am a little worried that you haven't told your husband the full story though. It took me a long time to tell my fiancee exactly what was going on, I thought she might resent me or look down on me if i wasn't able to touch her or kiss her when she'd got ill, I also have developed slight OCD aswell and i will often spend a good 5 minutes selecting the cleanest glass or fork before using it. Alot of my friends who didn't understand were very unforgiving so I understand completely why you're hesitant about telling your husband, but telling my fiancee was the best move I ever took. It was a weird at first and there was a learning curve where she and I had to get used to it but now she understands if i want to leave a party for the same reason as you and she's even come up with the excuse herself and pretended she's not feeling well so we could leave. She's my best friend and she constantly tells me how much she loves me and my phobia and how my phobia is a part of me. I would really encourage you to completely open up to your husband as keeping it from him can put a much greater strain on your relationship and in my case, telling her brought us closer together.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    Sage...I always thought that you were not contagious with noro until you started to show symptoms...is that wrong??
    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    Oh no...when did they find out you are contagious while incubating the virus...i always read you were not contagious and the onset of vomit or diarrhea....Am i wrong??

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    I thought the same thing and that's what I have been telling people. Sage, please inform us!
    "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    Thank you all for the kind words and support. I really appreciate it. It turned out that the worst hit her while she was at daycare. By the time she got home there was no more throwing up and she was even acting normal and wanting to play. It amazes me how resiliant most people are about getting sick like that. Taking it in stride and then a few hours later they are fine. I would give anything to be like that. She seems to be fine now and slept normally last night with no other incidents. I was so thankful.

    Meanwhile I am still a wreck and completely exhausted. Its been about 6 days solid of edge of my seat full blown panic for me while we have all been going through this and my mind is now shattered and my body is tired. I am still feeling the effects of that much anxiety...can't sleep can't relax can't concentrate. Its been a long time since I've had anxiety flare up to this level. I had forgotten what it was like.

    Now I have time to reflect on how I handled the situation and there are many things I regret...but the biggest one is how I behaved around my children. My son was so scared when he was sick...terrified really...because he is too little to understand. And instead of taking away his fear, I made it worse and fed into it. The last thing I would want is for him to end up as "crazy" as I am over this stuff. I fear if I don't fix myself that I will pass these things down to my children.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: New - Scared & Embarassed of my problem!

    I compeltely understand. I went through the same thing with my boys - both had the sv at the same time, and my husband was leaving for a business trip so I had to deal with all by myself. I am embarrassed to say I wore a mask around the house for the next 4 days



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