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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    uk, surrey,croydon

    Lightbulb you may want to read this

    So my cognative therapist has given me some excercises and i was wondering if maybe they could help you too! so here are some of the methods she taught me!

    method 1: ok think on a scale of 1-10 of how bad it is 10 being your house burning down and your whole family killed (sorry about the morbid ideas) so i marked vomiting on this scaled as 4-5 what about you?

    method 2: think to yourself how bad can it be??? everyone goes through it and they live, no one likes to be sick but it's just a part of life! so just play this through your head over and over HOW BAD CAN IT BE!?

    method 3: try to do things you wouldn't normally do step out of your comfort zone, eat at a resteraunt or go to a public toilet, eventually you won't worry so much!

    hope this help's please reply if this was any comfort to you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Melbourne, Australia

    Default Re: you may want to read this

    Honestly, these are pretty much things I did even before I started CBT. The thing is, when I start panicking, they're not really of much use to me, because the more I ask myself "How bad can if possibly be if someone gets ill?" the more opportunity I give myself to reply with "Pretty freaking bad, bad enough to panic over." The reason that this is called a phobia is because we DO mark someone getting sick around me (in my case) or getting ill myself (in other cases) as high on that scale.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: you may want to read this

    I do the same thing, thats where my Lexapro comes in to play...i dont get that same panic feeling..i still think about it, and im still scared..but the panic is really dying down, makes therapy alot easier

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: you may want to read this

    Thank you for these I will keep them in mind! Im gonna ask my CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health services) Its a UK thing. about an emet group that I can go to or to get some counseling on it x
    2010 && 2011 the years I met Gok Wan
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