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Thread: Stomach Bug!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Red face Stomach Bug!!!

    Hi All! I am relatively new here, but not new to this phobia! This past week, my family had the "bug", including myself, and I went into a full blown panic attack. My husband found me in my room crying and couldn't stop. This was the first time I was so bad with this. As I get older, it gets worse! He said (sympathetically), "I think that you're taking this a little too far." "This is not the worst thing that could happen." I wanted to get on the computer just to talk to someone who "gets it." I think that my husband thought I was losing my mind. I have always had the fear and feeling anxious, but not to this degree. I am 60 yrs. old! I was better when my kids were home, but now, I just don't know what to do. I guess what I am asking all of you---How do you make it so that you make it through? How do you cope without making yourself look like you're losing your mind? I printed out what this phobia is and the characteristics of it, and gave it to my husband. He read it, but he had really nothing to say. Just that there could be worse things in life to worry about. He thinks that throwing up is as casual as blowing your nose. HELP!! How do I explain it to him? I do know how it started tho. When I was a kid, when I got sick, my father fretted over it and yelled at my mother about where she took me so that I got sick. He made it into something I had to hide from him so that there wouldn't be any yelling! But, you would think that I'd be over it at my age! I feel foolish, but scared nonetheless. Sorry that this so long, but thanks for listening. Linda

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory

    Default Re: Stomach Bug!!!

    Im still very young but Ive learned I dont thinkk theres really anyway to get people to understand, Ive tried so hard but have given up. Im always nausious because I have IBS and people just dont seem to understand I dont want to be at parties and stuff when I feel like throwing up. My mom recently told my therapist about my phobia and she even looked at me like I was crazy, I recommend If you start to have a panic attack go in the bathroom or go somewhere alone, and also mints usually calm me haha

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Stomach Bug!!!

    Hi winnieag and welcome! It's so nice to have someone a little "older" with some good wisdom join our forum. And it really doesn't matter how old or young you are, this phobia doesn't care. I'm 40 and have had this since I was 10. Sounds like you raised your kids well and now you are more on your own. Sometimes the mind has more free time to think (worry). And when it hasn't happened in a long time, it seems worse. Try to talk with your hubby again and explain your fears more. And there is a lot of support here too. Hope this helps a bit. Looking forward to hearing from you!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    United States

    Default Re: Stomach Bug!!!

    My husband has been privy to a few bouts of me being very upset about things that were emet related. I don't know if he's just a sympathetic character or what, but when I'm upset I tend to over-rationalize too, and I'll say, amidst my panic, that I KNOW that this is irrational, and I know that XYZ is evidence why this is ridiculous, and logically I understand that being sick isn't the end of the world, but my brain is obsessing and I can't turn it off and it's making me crazy. He doesn't question me. I'm not sure if it helps that he knows that I know that I'm not being rational? Like, he doesn't feel like he has to rationalize things for me because I'm already doing it, so all he has to do is listen to me and say nice things.
    "I'm not supposed to be like this, but it's okay" -- The Wrong Child, R.E.M.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Default Re: Stomach Bug!!!

    Hi - the fact that you know when and how it started is such a bonus. That's what you need to work with. It's about de-sensitising yourself to that event, doesn't matter if it was 5 years ago or 50, it's still traumatic. Talking with a therapist can help you access the unconscious part of your brain so you can deal with whatever is in there that says sick = danger. I'm trying that now with my therapist and apart from being interesting it's helpful. It's taking a while but if you read some of the success stories on here it can work.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Re: Stomach Bug!!!

    I know how difficult is trying to get your family to understand what it's like... It's not like a fear of flying or heights where there's an obvious danger involved, and I don't think anyone can really understand that if they have never experienced it themselves. My boyfriend tries to be sympathetic, but I know he doesn't understand becuase he's told me lots of times that 'It's only sick' and that I need to stop worrying. I don't get angry at him for it because I know he can't really understand what it's like but it can be frustrating. It's why I'm so glad to have found this site, even if people can't offer any advice talking to someone who understands can be amazing! Even just writing it down has helped me work things out and realise how I feel...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Default Re: Stomach Bug!!!

    I wanted to write back and thank all that answered my message. As I read along what everyone has written here, I realize that I am not alone in this. My family does want to be sympathetic, but I can see that they look at each other with this, "I can't believe she is so upset by this!" look. It really is amazing to me how I see myself in so many others. I never realized that there were so many of "us" in this world! You know, the really funny part of this is -- I can take care of bleeding or most anything else. In fact, one of my sons cut his finger open when he was small, and I held it together while going to the ER! No panic attacks or crying -- just the usual worry for my son. This thing really does a number on us all. Again, thanks to answering and I will be reading and writing back - God, I feel like I know you all already...Linda

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    NSW Austalia

    Default Re: Stomach Bug!!!

    Hi Linda,

    Sorry your family do not get it My husband is great and will hold me when i cry about how scared i am because i feel like im going to be sick.
    But my siblings and mother have no idea how bad it is for me and i am constantly told to grow up . I am 38 with 7 kids and run when my kids are sick.
    Like you blood does not nother me my son cut his head open falling down a step and it was pouring out blood and i just held it on way to hospital and didnt even panic UNTIL the doctor said just watch for signs of concussion LMAO
    Welcome to the forum



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