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Thread: laughter?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United Kingdom


    ok this is going to sound wierd.

    last night i had the worst stomach cramps and was so anxious and even had a panic attack that it ment i was sick. This happens to me alot. I then later on realised that the pain wasnt actually my stomach, it was my back. i had a back ache and the pain was spreading through all my muscles. i had a tough weekend at work and did alot of heavy lifting so i had just pulled some muscles. i then began to laugh at myself for thinking this. it was so silly and i was laughing out loud. My dad asked me what was so funyn and i told him about my strange revelation and he laughed to.

    By laughing at the fact i had stomach cramps, it made it less scary and made me realise how irrational i was being!

    So my idea is, any body here have something similar they would like to share? Not so that we wan laugh at you for being stupid, but so we can laugh with you and make the situation less scary!

    does this make sense or am i talking rubbish? [img]smileys/smilies_18.gif[/img][img]smileys/smilies_32.gif[/img]i dunno, maybe i had too much caffine last night

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005


    oh ive had plenty of things like that happen. Once i had this pain in my CHEST and was so scared that i was gettin an illness that might cause me to v..

    I broke my foot once and for some reason i was terrified it would make me ill. Hmm, i think thats more insane than funny though.[img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    i thought i swallowed a fly and i was so worried it would somehow make me v...

    loads more just cant think of em and dont wanna embarriss myself anymore

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    HAHAHA. i swallowed a mosquito by accident, it flew into my mouth, i gagged, but wasn't going to throw up!!!

    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    I was at a local duck park once riding around on those little paddle boats and my friends back at the dock were throwing pine cones and rocks and stuff to splash us. Well a LARGE amount of the duck infested water went into my mouth and my reaction was to swallow, as soon as it was down it was right back out. I didn't even have a chance to panic. later on I realized that if it would've stayed down I could've been alot sicker with all that duck crap and whatever else in that water. that's when I started freaking out. after the fact.

    My son woke up one morning, in the winter, and said he was cold. Don't ask why but I started thinking to my self that he was getting sick.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada


    I think it goes to show that one of the problems with emet is that you don't realize what is just normal bodily functions and reactions. There's lots of aches, pains, queasiness, and fart-related gastrointestinal activity that has nothing to do with vomiting, and isn't "nausea". But as soon as you add panic to it, your brain plays tricks on you.

    It's best to keep a journal of what body sensation you felt, then after it DOESN'T make you vomit, note what probably caused it. Then next time you feel like that, just look it up in the journal and reassure yourself it's nothing to fear.

    I think this is why younger emets have it harder than older ones...life experience just teaches you that you're more healthy and well than you think.
    For more info about emetophobia and treatment:

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I always use the feeling I had from my last vomit session....I remember that I couldnt think of food or see a picture of food on the tv....it made me sooo sick....I remember vom**ting a few minutes after.

    Now, I always ressure myself that I am okay by thinking "Hey could I eat a sandwich right now?" and if the answer is YES or maybe than I know I will be ok. If the answer is no I might be scared and if the answer is NONONONO DONT MENTION FOOD TO ME then I am about to be sick

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    United States


    Snowangel, I do the same thing... Last night, I started that with
    "Could I eat a piece of pizza right now?", and not only was the answer
    "Hell yes!", I've been craving pizza so badly since then that I made my
    fiance get pizza for dinner &gt;.&lt;

    I think the most hilariously irrational thing I've thought in terms of
    "Can I get sick from...?" was when my navel piercing got a little
    infected a few weeks ago, and I started feeling nauseated on the same
    night I noticed the infection. I started laughing as soon as I started
    to ask my fiance "Do you think I could get sick from my navel piercing
    being infected?". I only got about two words into it before realizing
    how silly it was.



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