The annual SV is spreading around again and my 12yr daughter was exposed to it last week. She had a spell of d* last Monday and again on Tuesday, but no v*. I was on heightened alert and of course felt anxiety, (imaginary symptoms with heart racing like I always get when my kids have sv). We all kept washing our hands and I washed all the necessary places with bleach.
I knew where the source was at our neighbors house and constantly pleaded our teenage son to stay clear of that house, because they're not the most sanitary family. But against my request, he went out Thrusday night with them for dinner ( he said no one was sick there anymore), then starting last night he got symptoms with only v* through the night. Today, I made him laydown in the spare room, but I couldn't go in the room with him while he v*. My DH is at work, so I had to empty the trash bag he v* in. That's as close as I got to "it". I've bleached the bathroom and kitchen and won't let my son touch anything in the kitchen. He's feeling better now, but I'm being harsh and told him to stay in his room. So I don't catch it.

I'm upset, my heart hasn't stopped palpitating all day, and am literally afraid to leave this desk. My phobia is getting worse each year. I should tell you I had stomach stapling 20 yrs ago for weight loss, and just recently my staples came undone. It's ironic that my biggest fear came true. I had food stuck issues and would frequently self-induce v* to dislodge the food. But that was controllable and no n*, nothing like an illness. My fear developed that with FP or SV it would create too much pressure and tear my stomach open. But now that the staples are undone I don't have that concern but I'm more afraid of the unknown. See when my stomach was small and I would get the sv* I would v* every 10 minutes, because of the small size and it would be extremely painful because the contents would have to back up through the small opening of my pouch which is the size of a straw, but now I have no idea how bad it could get without that restriction (my stomach is full size again). I don't want to experience it!

It's absolutely horrible right now being in this house knowing a virus can still linger for days and me trying to protect myself. You know how careless kids can be with hygiene.

I guess I just need to vent and was so relieved to find this site. I hope I can get through the next couple days without too much anxiety and not get the sv.