
so basically my emet is quite severe. and NO ONE understands. not even my best friend, nor my family! my best friend says shes scared to v* too, but obviously shes not like me cause just doesnt understand! i do, however, have a friend who is exactly like me and its nice to have someone to confide in.

basically, this is me; i worry when i eat out at restaurants that i will get food poisoning so i try and avoid eating out as much as possible. i worry in public toilets how clean they are and if someone has v* in it. i constantly worry when im out in public that i'll start feeling sick or that SOMEONE ELSE will be sick. the other day i was in a shopping center and i saw a lady getting pushed in a wheelchair and she looked really ill and i was so so so worried she had thrown up! so tried to avoid that one. but it honestly just seems to be getting worse. when someone tells me over the internet that they have v*, i have to know why. but its so severe that i start feeling sick myself when i hear people have been sick. this emet is on my mind 24/7, and i just worry all day.

but heres something i need help with!!! my boyfriend lives in a different city to me, and im going to be visiting him in about 14 days! im really excited! except, ive been on facebook and ive seen that some of his friends have been sick with some flu thing. and i spoke to one of them last night and i asked her if she had v* and she said she did. and i am SO worried that he will see those friends and then get sick from them! also, he has a roommate and i am so worried that hes roommate will get sick from someone. i dont want them to get sick, and i dont want to get sick myself!! i am just worrying so much now, because you know theres an 'incubation' period so they dont get sick straight away but they've caught it and then they get sick afterwards. AND im worried that his roommate will go out drinking and get drunk and come home v* which would NOT be good. though i dont think i would worry as much because i KNOW that he is only v* because of alcohol. then again, i would be terrified to use the toilet because he would have v* into it ew!!! sometimes i wish i could just live in a confined room where no one came in and i could never catch any illness!!! i am also quite germ phobic too, and its quite severe but definately not as severe as my emet. so i just need someone to re-assure me that my boyfriend nor i will get sick!!! and i mean the thing is, when people are sick (especially v*), they won't go out and socialize? they will just stay home until they are better right? even so, if i know someone has been v*, even when they are better i have to stay away from them for a minimum of 2-3 weeks before i can really tell myself they are v* free.

AND on sunday im seeing my friend who i havent seen in a while and her roommate she lives with has currently got a tummy bug and i asked her over facebook if she was v* but she said no that she was just d*. stil, i am very worried my friend will get it and then pass it onto me! i dont think it will happen though, but i guess as long as i dont come too close to her. can someone actually tell me HOW a stomach bug is passed on to another person?

and going back to public toilets, i HATE them! especially if i hear someone coughing in the toilet next to me i start panicking that they are about to v*. also, even if i see on Facebook that people have been sick i have to ask them what their symptoms are cause i just need to know if they have v* or not! oh god, oh god! i just thought of something!!! what if my boyfriend has been in contact with those friends that are sick, and doesnt know that HE is sick cause of the incubation period and then i go hug and kiss him and do other things and then his germs could be passed on to me?!?! someone please PLEASE help me!! i cant go visit him all worked up and worried!! he knows i have a huge phobia of v*, but i dont think he knows just how severe it actually is.

if someone could please reply asap, that would be great.