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  1. #1

    Question Weird feeling in my stomach!

    Hi, i haven't been on here for a while due to school and the band but now i have a little bit of free time off from school since it's spring break.
    Anyway, i have a really weird feeling in my stomach.. i n* and it's like that watery feeling in my stomach ): i'm starting to get cold feet and nervous.. i don't want to go into panic mode.. My father is down with a cold. Not anything related to the stomach but just coughing and fever and all that nasty stuff ):
    Anyway, it's around 9:10 and i ate about 30 minutes ago, all i ate was those chips with a hint of Lime and a little bit of guacamole (sp) then a few minutes later i ate like 3 carrots with a tiny bit of honey mustard. SUPER little.
    I drank some water and that's it. I feel this watery stomach, i've been having some gas (i know sorry too much information) im scared, i don't want to get sick well obviously..
    please help! What do i do? I don't want to eat anything else becaue i'm scared. Should i just sleep it off? I seriously need to pick up anti n* v* pills.. Also, do those work at all?
    OH! one more thing! i keep having this feeling to burp but when i try it feels like food comes up. What is going on D: I'm so scared..
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Midlands, England

    Default Re: Weird feeling in my stomach!

    sounds like indigestion hun dont worry!!! Take some pepto bismol or stomach settlers - i take motilium and buccastem for anti sickness and pepto for upset stomach feelings and they all work a treat for me! Sounds like you also might have IBS or anxiety stomach? I get gas and watery aching sore belly all the time - ive learnt to live with it now its only when i feel PROPER sick that i worry xxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    New England

    Default Re: Weird feeling in my stomach!

    This doesn't even sound like indigestion, it sounds like hunger! Eat something like bread or starchy and filling. Yes anti n* and v* pills work, but you shouldn't have them just to take when your stomach feels off. You can become reliant on them and that will make your emet worse and it's just not good for you to take them constantly long term. I find Ginger pills are a GREAT thing to have around. They aren't bad to take long term, they smell nice, and they work fast and well. You can feel them working, and they work in your stomach not your brain so if you're actually sick, it doesn't matter if your stomach isn't working right. It's also good for anxiety to feel like you're doing SOMETHING. I feel invincible when I take them.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Weird feeling in my stomach!

    thank you guys so much i didnt get sick but im feeling the exact same way again... Do i have a stomach virus or something? it's soo annoying! im scared all the time and when i try to eat anything i always get super nauseas. I have a slight burning sensation and it feels like that nasty watery feeling in my stomach again.. when i keep thinking about it i feel like gagging ): what's wrong with my stomach these past few days!? Is this permanent? ewww it's burning on and off.. i even tried drinking water.. just makes the nausea worse.. I can't drink dairy, im lactose intolerant (sp) sorry.. thank you everyone
    <a href="http://pitapata.com/"><img src="http://pdgf.pitapata.com/VwDXm10.png" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="PitaPata Dog tickers" /></a>

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    New England

    Default Re: Weird feeling in my stomach!

    Sounds like anxiety to me. Your muscles are tense, so it makes eating tricky. And remember stomach bug doesn't mean v*. If you have a stomach bug you definitely would have by now if you were going to. Sometimes we all catch little things that just make our stomach grumpy, but in no way mean we are in even remote danger of v*. No matter what's wrong this won't make you get sick.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Weird feeling in my stomach!

    i feel like this all the time. i always say i have a watery stomach and i never knew if anyone knew what i meant! and my stomach burns a lot too. last night i had the burning feeling in my stomach. i got up and walked around took a few deep breaths and it went away. i think its anxiety. are you on your period or close to it? i sometimes get that watery stomach when im on it. i know you wont be sick. your anxiety is making it worse than it is i promise. i know exactly how you feel

  7. #7

    Default Re: Weird feeling in my stomach!

    Yes! exactly.. everyone is right... i need to realize im getting my anxiety get the best of me ): arora, i get really bad when im on my period too! but i JUST got off and i think i may know what's wrong... i just switched from eating meat to full blown vegetarian. My best friend said that It's my body trying to adjust but this severe n* isn't fun... Im not having the best time of my life..
    <a href="http://pitapata.com/"><img src="http://pdgf.pitapata.com/VwDXm10.png" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="PitaPata Dog tickers" /></a>



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