OMG I have been reading Jennyleigh's thread about the rude parents and my problems seem lame in comparison! Ten days ago I was writing about my 'day from hell' when my mum was v*g all day. Today it's my husband! I really can't believe this. For ten days I have been waking up with anxiety at 4am, in case I 'hear' something - this habit goes back many years, but has got far worse lately, since my mum's been sick 3 times in 5 months. So I'm lying there this morning, and I think I hear my hub getting up for work at 5am as normal, only to find he's not - he's sick! It's like I was willing it to happen!

AAAAAARGGGHHH! [img]smileys/smilies_03.gif[/img]

I don't know if it's a virus or what. I'm not aware he's been near anyone who'd had it. I'm just so upset and willing him minute by minute to feel better. In a way it's worse than mum being ill, because my hub is the strong one, he's my rock - I can't bear it when he's ill. I don't even feel that scared of catching it, I can't think that far ahead. I just want him to be well again.

I don't think we have Lysol in the UK. I've been spraying everything with Dettol surface cleaner which reckons to kill most things!

I'm dealing so badly with this. I've been anxious and depressed over a number of things lately and trying to deal with this on top seems impossible today. I'm shaking and feel like crying. I hate myself for feeling this wretched but I don't seem to have the strength to fight it any more. I've been wide awake since 4 and I'm so tired. Why does this keep happening? Sometimes I wish I lived alone, then I'd only have to worry about 'sounds' being burglars! [img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

I'm glad the site's back up. I couldn't get on it yesterday! I know no one can help, but at least I can rant to people who understand here! One question I'd like to ask though - has anyone been helped by antidepressants?