Arrrrgh!! DS felt sick in the night!!!!!.......

....just what we need right now with me just coming through another nauseaus phase.

DS went to his friend Elliot's for tea, I had to fetch my eldest so saw them on the way out of school. Elliot's Mum told me her DD was ill with a cold was it still all right for DS to go and I said yes as long as she wasn't sick it was fine. She then told me that her DD had been sick once on Monday night.

Now my instinct was to stop DS from going but he was running ahead and all excited and I didn't, I let him go off, even though I was worrying.

Anyway, he had a lovely time and came home and went to bed. He then woke at 2.00am saying he felt sick. DH got up whilst I freaked out in the bedroom. He did this twice but only coughed and retched a bit - he wasn't actually very sick.

This morning DH got up with them and DS was fine, ate loads of breakfast and was fighting with his brother so he's gone to school.

DH noticed that Elliot wasn't in school today though.

So now I am really worrying that:

a. He is going to do it again tonight

b. It was something catching (if Elliot is off too) and we'll all get it.

I ate my first proper meal since Sunday last night and am feeling worried today and very groggy - my new meds (olanzapine) are making me sleepy.

I am so wired with my phobia at the moment that this sort of thing is just a nightmare.......