Ok so this is a movie I've been dying to see all year and finally went and saw it lastnight. It was pretty good but I was disappointed that a movie like that had some V* scenes in it. I know most emets like to know beforehand when to expect a V* scene in movies, so I will give you guys a heads up now if you plan on seeing it. The scenes I'm gonna explain don't necessarily give away the movie, but it might a little bit. So if you don't want to know anything about this movie stop reading now. Otherwise ill let you know when to expect it.

The first V* scene is after a big train crash. The crash goes on for a while and there's a group of kids running from it. When the kids all group up together again, you hear one of them V* in the background. Then it pans over to the kid as one of them asks how he's doing. He gives a thumbs up then V* again and you actually see it. Its gonna be the kid with the glasses and hat.

The second V* scene is when the four kids are on a bus with some military guys after they get puicked up from breaking into their school. The bus gets attacked by "something" as it breaks through the windows behind the main kid, and the kid with the glasses. It shows a really graphic scene of the same kid with the glasses V*. He actually projectile V* and the camera is pretty close. You get no warning with this one. But the other one you hear him do it before you see it.

Hope this doesn't change your mind about seeing the movie. It was really good. And the V* scebes are suppose to be comical. The whole theater laughed. Of course. lol