I need to rant.....

1. She is an unfit mother. We have two small children. When they get sick, instead of taking care of them and comforting them like a normal, loving mother, she literally runs out of the house and leaves them on their own, vomiting. Not only is this an incredibly selfish thing on her part, it puts our kids in danger. What if one of the children while being sick faints and chokes on his vomit? Where is his mother? What if the vomiting is a symptom of a medical emergency? Where is the mother to get him to the hospital quickly? She's in the backyard taking care of HER self. Even when the kids aren't sick, more often than not she calls my mom or her mom to come pick them up because she can't take care of them, she's not feeling well.

2. She is not a good wife. She took the vows, "in sickness and in health". But she's never there for the sickness part. When I'm sick she abandons me just like she abandons the kids. She goes a step further - she packs up the kids and off they go to her mom's for days and even weeks until she feels I'm no longer contagious. Where is she as my wife to comfort me and take care of me when I'm sick? I take care of her when she's not feeling well, which is every day apparently, and she expects me to!

3. She is lazy. She refuses to get a job to contribute to our household financially, leaving me to be the sole provider, which is fine, I work, I make ends meet, but if she worked, we could have a better quality of life and put money away for the children's education. But no, she refuses to work because she can't hold down a job. Everyone and everything is always contaminated in her mind. So she stays home, which would be fine if she actually did something at home. She barely takes care of the kids! She doesn't cook, doesn't go grocery shopping because everything there is contaminated. All she does day in and day out is lie in bed, complaining that she doesn't feel good, obsessing about every little imagined/real symptom. Funny thing is, she's the only one in our house who is never actually sick! She's just a hypochondriac. What a perfect excuse for not doing anything.

4. We can't entertain because if we do have people over, she starts interrogating them about how they're feeling, if anyone's been sick lately, if their children have been sick. It's so embarrassing.

5. If I touch anything on her plate or take a sip from her glass, all hell breaks loose. Yet she kisses me and has sex with me. Where's the logic?

I want a wife who can be a partner to me, not a burden. I want a wife who can be a mother to our children, espeically when they're sick and need her most. I want a wife who puts her children before herself. I want a wife who can contribute to our relationship and our family. If she won't go out to work then she should work in the house - keep the house clean, cook meals, take care of our children. Not lie in bed all day imagining illnesses she doesn't have and pawning her children off on others. She bleaches everything always but never actually cleans our house. It always looks like a tornado hit it. I want a wife I can take out and have fun with. I want A NORMAL WOMAN TO SHARE MY LIFE WITH. Is that too much to ask?

I have researched emetophobia extensively. It's an exaggerated fear just like any other phobia, and like any other phobia it can be overcome. It's not a disease, it's not a disability. I have told my wife that if she doesn't snap out of it and get over it, I'm taking the kids and leaving. And I'm fighting for sole custody because she has allowed a phobia to turn her into an unfit, and maybe even dangerous, mother. Abandoning our children when they're sick could put them in danger.

Enough is enough. I told her to get the help she needs and to do everything she needs to do to get over this, and there isn't anything I won't do to help her, even if it means getting a second job to pay for her therapy, but if she continues like this, I am going to leave and I'm taking the kids. I can't live with a crazy woman and I won't expose my children to her insanity any longer. To be this afraid of something that never happens to the woman - she never actually vomits - is the very definition of insanity. What reasonably normal, sane, person would allow some imagined illness to take over and ruin every part of her life? If she had a real illness, or a real disability, then that's different. I would honour my in sickness and in health and stay with her. But emetophobia is just a phobia that's become a convenient excuse for her to check out of life. It's a convenient excuse for her to not have to do the unpleasant, mundane, but necessary things in life - like taking care of your own children when they're sick. Or getting out of bed, getting dressed, and functioning

There is no shortage of mature, SANE, reliable, responsible women out there. I will not subject myself or my children to her selfish neurosis any longer. So selfish and childish! To be rendered paralyzed over vomit. Grow the ef up!!!!

Rant over.