Welcome to the International Emetophobia Society | The Web's Largest Meeting Place for People With Emetophobia.
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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Post My Life With Emetophobia

    I'm so glad I found this website. It's nice to know I'm not alone and being irrational. I can already tell this post is going to be long. I really need to talk to people who understand, when I tell my friends I have a phobia of sick, they think I'm being overly dramatic and that I just don't like it, like everyone else. Here, I feel I can talk without being paranoid about people thinking Im being pathetic.

    I've had emetophobia ever since I was little. My earliest experience of it was when I was around 4 or 5 and my family would often travel to a city around 2 hours from where we live. My cousin used to get carsick a lot and whenever she threw up, I'd have to frantically cover my ears and eyes until I was absolutly sure she'd stopped. One time I remember, I got so worked up that I began to panic that because I used my hands to cover my ears, and thought I couldn't do anything to close my eyes, forgetting I could shut them!

    Since then, whenever someone complains they feel sick or they have a stomach ache, my heart skips a bit in fear and I'm constantly paranoid and will then do anything I can to avoid them, which worries me because all my life I've wanted to be a mum and I want to be able to take care of my kid when they're sick, not hide away feeling totally pathetic and selfish.

    My most recent experience of being around sick people, was last weekend when I went to a music festival and my friends were drinking and starting throwing up. When the first one started I managed to panic internally and not make a fool out of myself, I think it was because it was so quick, with no warning, and was so over really quickly. Once I calmed down from that, my other friend began to complain that she was feeling sick, I begged them to open the tent because I began to feel so claustraphobic, terrified she was going to be sick in the tent. I had to hide in my sleeping bag, shut my eyes and cover my ears just like I did when I was little. Then she coughed and I couldn't help but shake uncontrollably and cry. Thankfully, my friend, who threw up earlier was better and she comforted me during my panic attack. I'd never experienced fear like that before and being away from home, it scared me even more. I couldn't calm down for ages. Thankfully my best friend understands me, and she called me to make sure I was okay. I don't know what I'd do without her.

    I wasn't really that bad about me throwing up until I was older, around 10 years old. I can't really pinpoint an experience that caused this. But for years now if I ever feel sick, I instantly start panicking which makes me feel sicker, and the nerves itself sometimes make me feel like I'm going to throw up, it's quite a horrible circle. I know its usually mind over matter most of the time, but no matter how many times I tell myself this, I can't seem to calm down once I've got myself worked up. I get paranoid over really irrational thing. For example, if my friend who I've been in contact with for as little as five minutes, has been in contact with someone whp's recently thrown up, I will convince myself, I'll catch whatever made them throw up. Because Im anticipating that Im going to be ill, I end up feeling ill. I'm pretty certain if I hadn't got paranoid I'd feel normal. When I do feel sick, I almost never end up throwing up, I will usually pace and take deep breaths to try and stop myself being sick. I've also recently taken up to praying to my dad in heaven, in a desperate attempt to feel better, I'll make deals with him like, I'll stop swearing if he can make me feel better. It sounds silly, but it gives me comfort and helps me feel better.

    I feel like if I tell people this, they'll tell me to stop being pathetic and get a grip, but they don't know how badly it can affect your life. I felt like I really needed to talk about it. Thanks to anyone who reads this and replies. I'd love to be able to talk to someone who shares this phobia, so if you're interested, post below . Thank you for letting me get all this out, I think it's actually helped because I've been dealing with this in secret for so long

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Default Re: My Life With Emetophobia

    Often letting out all your thoughts and worries in this way helps you to get kick started on feeling better, so good job! Well done on getting through the music festival experience, it sounds like you managed the panic attack really well, despite the severity of it - your best friend sounds like an angel!
    I totally know what you mean about the kids thing, I've always wanted children but this phobia looks like it's going to be a huge barrier when i decide to start a family :S still, I guess kids are a good incentive to try and get well, right?
    Anyway, I've rambled a bit here, so I'll shut up :P Welcome to IES!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: My Life With Emetophobia

    Thank you so much for your lovely message!
    You're so right about kids being motivation to try and get better I'm willing to try anything to help
    I hope that one day, you'll feel better
    Haha :P I think I rambled a fair bit up there as well! Again thank you for the lovely welcome!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: My Life With Emetophobia

    I understand where you are coming from. Actually if I was in the situation with the music festival I would have ran out of the tent and not gone back in there and I probably would have been shaking and crying. So I must say you handled that better then I ever would have. I have been dealing with emet since I was 5 or so as well and lately its taken over my life. I have STOMACH PROBLEMS!!! GAH! I would have NEVER thought I would get that with the phobia I have. I have to watch everything I eat cause I am allergic to more foods then anyone I know. I am down to rice, gluten free oatmeal, and chicken... If I eat something that I shouldnt have I get so sick. I have not thrown up because I force myself not to but I get sick for days. and my stomach will hurt for days which strikes my anxiety which flares like crazy every time. So I deal with it every day of my life. and now... I might have to be hospitalized for weighing 95 pounds, starting to lose my hair, and malnutrition... It's not going so well for me haha. It always makes me feel so much better getting all my feelings out on this website and talking to people with the same thing I have... EMET. It really does control your life and there is no way to explain to people how bad and scary it really is to us. I have had so many people to tel me to get over it and that I am a big baby. I get laughed at. The works. So I know how everyone feels on here. I have gone through it all. Have you heard of exposure therapy? I just heard of it and have been looking into it cause it sounds really good. It's a way to get over this phobia. I am about to be married in a month and a half and want kids someday as well! So I am determined to get this emet out of the way before I have babies. Look into it. I think it will help a ton. there is a website go to it and do your research www.emetophobiahelp.com

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: My Life With Emetophobia

    Oh god I can't imagine what its like to have emet and stomach problems! :O You poor thing! I really hope you feel better soon and that the exposure therepy works for you I definatly know the feeling of feeling like a big baby, people really don't understand how much if affects everyday life and because of this, whenever a situation arises, I feel I have to keep all my panic inside, because people will think I'm being a drama queen. I'm really sorry to hear how bad it is for you, I hope it improves also congradulations on your upcoming wedding! Best wishes to you and her husband to be

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: My Life With Emetophobia

    Thanks! I am so excited for my wedding I just hope I can be well by then. And if your interested in the exposure therapy here is a website to kinda start you off. www.emetophobiahelp.com It has some good info on there. And from the research I have done this is the only real way to get your phobia under control. Which I will be starting when I have the money. haha to much money going out right now with the wedding and doctor visit bills. But hang in there. If you ever need to talk you can message me anytime.



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