I am new here and was surprised at the amount of people who clean and use the Lysol wipes - I thought I was the only one who cleaned remotes, door knobs, keyboards, and so on....I do it more in the winter months. I fear the kids will bring sickness into the house. I get bothered by grems such as cough and colds but MUCH worse about the stomach virus type of illness..It seems the start of "our" problems are germs....(I think that is a true statement) or for most it seems to be.. When I read the posts more people are afraid on the V if they feel they will catch it. I guess that makes me even more uneasy but even the "talk" about V is upsetting. What has worked for people? I am desperate for this to end. I don't what it to control my life. I haven't told my family and I am a 40 year old. - - One more thing about OCD and hand washing. I have to have my family to wash their hands when they come in the house, it they were outside, at school, work, etc. I hate anyone touching stuff in my home if they haven't washed their hands, JUST makes me nuts. Once they leave I get out my wipes and clean every counter, and the bathroom before I can relax and feel safe and clean in my home. Does anyone else feel my pain?