Hey Everyone...

I was in the ER last night from about 8:30p until 1:15a. It all started when I had a major panick attack at work at like 2:30 in the afternoon. I wasn't doing ANYTHING. I was just sitting at my desk doing some simple tasks on the computer... and I suddenly got VERY tired... like I passed out, out of nowhere. Then I was okay for a couple of minutes, then my heart started racing, I got sweaty, shakey, lightheaded, dizzy... the works. SoI had a full-fledged panick attack at work for no damn reason. I was finally able to calm down though after about an hour... although my whole body hurt so bad. My muscles are still sore. I left work early, came home and just layed around. My heart rate, though, still hadn't dropped. So at about 8pm, I was home alone and I was starting to get really freaked out. So I called a 24 hour advice nurse from my insurance group and she told me to take my pulse... it was at 130. (Normal resting heart rate is 60-99). Since I was home alone, she wanted me to call 911... which I so didn't want to do... EMTs are always HOT... and I was embarassed as it is.. I'm only19 and I felt like I was having a heart attack. So I called my boyfriend to come home and take me to the ER instead. I got to the ER, when I got there, my HR was up to 148. Not good. So they put me in a bed, hooked me up to a bunch of monitors, took an EKG, and hooked me up to an IV and took some blood. All my blood tests were fine (4 1/2 hours later)... and they say that they don't know exactly what is going on with my heart. They said that stress and exhaustion can contribute to it... which is COMPLETELY possible. I'm VERY stressed out andTOTALLY exhausted. I don't sleep well, and like every detail of my routine life stresses me out more than anything ever has before. I always feel like crap, I'm always tired... I honestly hate living. So they sent me home with some information on palpitations, anxiety, and a drug to help me sleep (Ambien). But I can't take it until I speak with my psychologist... because if I'm clinically depressed, this drug can make it worse. So we'll see. In the mean time, I still feel like crap... I don't want to go to work anymore. I need to sleep. So, yeah, I'm still totally depressed.
