I am new to this website – and so glad I am came across it. I honestly thought I was the only one who suffered from this phobia.

People around me just tell me to get over it and they just don’t understand. All people say is when you’re going to be ill, you won’t be able to control it, so just accept it. I cannot accept it, its obviously easier said than done. I know I can stop it from happening –if I ever have that ‘feeling’ I just completely eating so I know nothing up come up. I count the hours until I last ate. I have been able to stop myself from being physically ill for 13 years now. It has been such a struggle. I avoid eating any meat in restaurants and I never eat much food when I am abroad.

I have been suffering from this phobia all since I was about 5 years old when I had a horrible experience. Since then the experience has been repeating in mind. My phobia has got so out of control that I honestly don’t know what to do with myself. I wake up from nightmares and have to sit upright in bed until I fall asleep (with the light on).

I have plans to go travelling around the world in 3 weeks and people ask me if I’m nervous. The only thing I am getting worked up about it the fact about being ill. I have actually worried about it so much that I found myself getting into panic attacks which have given me an upset stomach – and then I start to question why I am unwell. I am panicking about a bug being on the plane and that I might catch it. I am worried about being forced to go on a boat and getting sea sickness. The list goes on and on and if any else suffers from this phobia and is reading this, I hope you can understand how long the list is. This phobia is really ruining my life. Please help L