I feel like a lot of people on here actually have problems that cause them to be nauseous more often than average so I figured I would ask if you do have those problems
I feel like a lot of people on here actually have problems that cause them to be nauseous more often than average so I figured I would ask if you do have those problems
No, not at all. I have a stomach of steel. Absolute steel. It takes SO much to make me even feel sick, and even more to actually make me vomit. I'm very lucky.
My stomach is not in the least bit sensitive- at least twice my boyfriend has had food poisoning, I ate the same things and didn't get ill. I had a stomach bug a few weeks ago and didn't vomit, only the runs. A colleague got it the next week and she had both. I do have Crohn's and a possible hiatus hernia, they don't make me nauseous though.
Yeah I think my stomach is very sensitive, never use to be, perhaps its just anxiety though
Emet wise I'm going to say I do have a weak stomach. Because I always feel "sick".
But in reality I've only been sick once in the past 8 to 10 years or so and who knows what that was from since I only v* once.
I eat a lot of weird food combinations too. It makes everyone in my family look away with disgust. Like peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, mountain dew IN my roman noodles, and fried pickles in general. Plus the amount of candy (like sour candy) I intake within a day would make any normal person ill.
I'm not normal.
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Nope, i dont have a sensitive stomach at all. Barely got sick as a kid. Only with SV a few times. I dont think ive truly felt N* in i dont even know how long. Other than anxiety. I dont get motion sickness, nothing. So glad!
9 times out of 10, any stomach ache I have is entirely my own fault. I eat and drink crap and don't exercise enough. But I'd say my whole family have strong stomachs. My best friend will actually make herself v* if something doesn't quite sit right with her. Crazy!
I am glad to say no. Although I can not eat things that are to spicy but they do not cause the reaction that this phobia deals with. I just get heat burn and that seems to run in the family too.
Nope, I have a very strong stomach. I am blessed and lucky in this way! I beleive the fact that I have never had a stomach virus, food poisoning, nor motion sikness has aggravated my phobia. It adds fearing the unknown to the anxiety issues.
Nope, I have eaten things literally considered hazardous without problems. I used to be sensitive to hearing or seeing v***t - but I am not anymore, thankfully.
No, I don't at all, usually
"I'd rather cross the line and suffer the consequences, than stare at the line for the rest of my life." <3
I think most emets have stomachs of steel! After all, we can avoid doing the deed, even when most others would have succumbed.
I do however, feel that we get nauseated more than non-emets, due to anxiety. Anxiety itself manifests as nausea often times, which makes us most anxious, and then more nauseated... and it's a cycle.
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Keep in mind the secret to a stomach of steel is acid. This is why emets should not take antacid, like Tums or Rolaids. Antacid neutralizes stomach acid and basically turns into water that powerful acid that kills vomit-inducing bacteria.
Antacid will not settle a nauseated stomach and will make you more likely to vomit.
In a study of norovirus, they gave a group of volunteers the virus and not all of them got infected. They theorized that the stomach acid in some of them was killing the virus. Then they had the volunteers take antacid along with the virus. All of them got infected and vomited.
Last edited by gumdropper1; 07-04-2011 at 01:45 AM.
To learn more about emetophobia, see
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I would be inclined to say yes, since I do tend to feel nauseated quite easily due to anxiety, but I really don't think my stomach is as sensitive as my emetophobic-brain thinks it is!
I get stomach "aches" fairly often. It's just because I can't burp, though, it's just a gas thing. As far as getting sick, it takes a lot. I eat some pretty sketchy stuff, and touch some pretty sketchy surfaces without washing my hands and I don't get sick.
I have a very sensitive stomach!
My Mantra:
If you continue to do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
-Originally an IES member since October, 2009-
Honstly I don't know. I aspire to be a surgeon, so blood and gore doesn't bug me. But I think I'm sensitive to rides, its either that or my fear is so srong I trick myself into feeling sick.