Hello, I've just stumbled accross this website while I was searching for tips on helping my emetophobia. I'm very happy I found this site because I feel it's a friendly, open environment where I can be myself and get guinuine help.

I've been struggling on and off with my phobia for about 8 years now. I am currently 18 years old and this phobia runs my life.

My phobia is very specific. I am not scared about catching a sickness and I don't mind actually seeing vomit or seeing somebody vomit. My fear is this - I am afraid I will vomit. This is what routinely happens:
it's usually before I'm leaving to go somewhere but sometimes I just have an attack out of nowhere. I'll have a sudden thought "what if I throw up?" then I start to panic. I feel like I'm going to throw up and there's nothing I can do about it. I realize it's completely in my mind but I don't know how to stop it.

Any tips or suggestions to get me going in the right direction? Thanks!