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  1. #1

    Default Introduction -- this is where I'm at.

    Hi everyone. My name is Kathryn. I'm 28 years old and I live in Massachusetts. I've known about this forum for a very long time but I've just now gotten the courage to join and begin talking about this thing I have struggled with for as long as I can remember.

    My emetophobia is almost strictly limited to the fear of seeing/hearing other people v*. While I do not enjoy it when it's ME v*ing, on the whole it does not bother me nearly as much as being present when others v* or are threatening to v*.

    I cannot isolate a specific event or memory which lead to my emetophobia. I have some very vivid early memories of experiencing emetophobic responses, and I also know that I had some relatives who teased me relentlessly about my phobia when I was a small child.

    I am an only child and grew up in a kind of unstable home. My mom stuggles greatly with depression and had a number of suicide attempts when I was a kid. My dad, although always appearing strong on the outside, struggled with depression as well, albeit not as severe as my mother.

    Between the ages of 4 and 7 I was in thearapy for trichotillomania -- hair pulling -- which actually seems to run in my family. I would pull out my eyelashes until my lids were completely bald. I was bounced around from one thrapist to the next, all of them telling my parents that I was a hopeless case, and that trichotillomania is very difficult to treat. Indeed, I continued to have bald eyelids until sometime around puberty, when finally a very embarrassing incident ("Eeeeeeww!!! Kathryn has no EYELASHES!!" screamed in front of a full classroom) caused me to WILL myself not to pull out my eyelashes any longer. Years of therapy, being deemed incurable, I just... stopped.

    I would love to do that to my emetophobia, but so far my success had been... not.

    I feel as though my emetophobia has made a lot of decisions for me in my life so far. As a kid I was petrified of going on field trips because I worried a classmate might get carsick. In college I was scared to death of my freshman-year roommate, whose hard partying and heavy drinking meant a constant threat of v*ing on the weekends. And of course my emetophobia really limited my social life in college for the same reason. Emetophobia has affected my choice in career as well; I am fascinated by the medical arts and would have loved to become a doctor. I like my chosen career enough, but I have a feeling that something in the medical field would have been more satisfying for me.

    I'm getting married in October, and my fiance and I have been talking a lot lately about beginning a family in the next few years. I really want to become a mother someday, but I'm petrified that I will be unable to cope when my children inevitably v* and I will be responsible for taking care of them. I don't want to let motherhood be just another thing that emetophobia prevents me form achieving.

    Anyway, here I am. Looking forward to getting to know you and maybe getting some new insight. And maybe -- just maybe -- getting the courage to seek new therapy.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Vancouver, BC, Canada

    Default Re: Introduction -- this is where I'm at.

    Hi Kathryn and welcome to the site! I hope you find lots of help and support here in talking with other emetophobes. Stopping compulsions like hair-pulling takes an incredible amount of courage and strength of character. Good going!

    btw I was also more afraid of seeing/hearing someone else vomit. And by "more afraid" I mean I would freak out completely at even the thought of it.
    For more info about emetophobia and treatment:

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    DISCLAIMER ~ Any advice I give on this forum is well-intentioned and given as to a peer or friend or for educational purposes. It does not in any way constitute psychotherapeutic or medical advice. Please discuss anything you may learn from my posts with your doctor and psychotherapist prior to making any decisions or changes or taking any actions.

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