Ok this is a panic post. I am freaking out! I thought i was doing better dealing with my emet. I am not! Last night my friends family and mine went out to eat. We work together, after dinner i had to go to her house to get some paperwork. When i called to tell her i was on the way she told me her son had Ved. Not good! But i was a grown up about it and went anyway. I didnt have a choice. I tried to stay away from him but he wanted attention. So i talked to him and he kept coming in the room with us. He only got Ved once. So thought maybe it was the junk food he ate that day. He was FINE this morning. Tonight at exactly the same time, my own son who is the same age as her son, came to me saying his stomach hurts. Now his dad is in there with him so i dont have to be. My son has emet too. He was crying. So i gave him a half a dose of Zofran and some nux vomica. For those of you that dont know that is a homeopathic remedy. My homeopath tells me to give it to my kids in the event of a SV. So now I am freaking out worried that my 2 yr old who shares a room with his brother will come down with it tomorrow or maybe even tonight in the middle of the night. I am NOT ready for this! I thought i was doing better with the emet but this has begun a downward spiral. Its only 10 at night. We have A LOT more hours to go before the sun comes up. His dad will eventually go to bed. I will be left to deal with it. I need someone to stay up with me. I dont know if i can handle this crap by myself! Actually i know i cant. I was kind of feeling icky before he came to me and now that he has said it I feel worse! My friend and her husband are fine so far, maybe me and my husband will be ok too. but I have 3 kids....OMGoodness. I thought you had to actually ingest the virus to get sick. I also thought you had to be around when symptoms are present. He wasnt. So please someone tell me, are SVs airborne or not?