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Thread: Feel Guilty

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Feel Guilty

    Since I fear throwing up so much and others being sick and myself I avoid people who are sick or need to be taken to the doctors. I panic when I've ever had to take people to the doctor for any reason. I feel like I'm being selfish. I don't mean to be, I just panic over those situations. I panic visiting people in the hospital. It makes me feel trapped and I just want to run away in the other direction. If I was sick, I'd want someone to help me so I feel guilty that I can't help others. I fear people asking me for help and what I would say to them if it was something that I knew I couldn't handle.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Temple, Texas USA

    Default Re: Feel Guilty

    Please try not to feel selfish, because you're not.. you're just honestly, purely terrified. And I'm the same way as you. This fear is like a disability- I'm not saying we should use it as a crutch, but since the fear of this is so strong, and stops us from doing normal things like going to hospitals and actually being okay with being there. Like I said I'm the same way. I wouldn't want to take care of sick people??! Are you kidding me!? Lol. But like you said I would want someone to take care of me. I think maybe we just have to take baby steps in becoming better at situations like this. If you ever had a child, there will probably come that day when he/she gets sick and we have to step up and be a parent no matter how much we hate it. Its our baby. That's just the way I look at things. So baby steps and I know we will get there

    This too, shall pass

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    suffolk, uk

    Default Re: Feel Guilty

    I feel like this all the time. My husband, who I love with all my heart, has a blood disease and often spends a few days at a time in hospital. I went to see him the first few times, but i had to pull the curtain right round so i couldnt see out at all. My husband told me not to visit him in there anymore as he can see how stressed i get being there. It makes me feel terrible.



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