Hey guys. i haven't been on in an extremely long time, it feels like years. but i just had the worst panic attack ever. i was watching a movie and got the munchies so i had an apple cuz i wasnt all that hungry. then i had a half pint of ice cream and some more after that and some frosting and tons of sprinkles and a few crackers. this all spanned out over an hour, btw. but now i feel like a little kid again and this hasnt happened in a really long time. my whole body is seriously shaking i can barely type and i need some sort of consolation. i also tried to make myself throw up earlier but it didnt work and now i feel sick. i do this alot now. i binge. and then im okay after. i havent really gained weight from it. only normal weight from bbeing too skinny before. and i feel like subconcipusly i want to throw up but i wish i could when i wanted to but im afraid of not having control over when it happens.