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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    I knew this bug has been flying around my kids' school since October
    with a huge outbreak right before winter break. In the past three
    weeks, I have heard about so many kids having "the bug." Many of
    them are getting it for a second and third time. We also had a
    week or two of respiratory stuff, but that was it. It came and
    left - poof. The v**** thing seems to have no signs of letting
    up. However, this week has been horrendous. My friend, who
    is the school psychologist at an area school, called me about an hour
    ago to tell me that the stomach virus is rampant where she works.
    The absenteeism it very high today and they are sending kids home left
    and right with "the bug." When is this hell going to end?.
    Enough is a freakin' nuff.

    My daughters' grade class went to the Baltimore Aquarium today.
    Since she goes to a private school there are only 50 kids in her second
    grade. I really did not want her to go because I thought there
    will be a ton of kids from other schools bringing their germs, but I
    did not want to ruin her time because of my emet. Anyway, I sent
    her with her purell and instructions to not touch a thing and NOT to
    touch her face, mouth or eyes. Meanwhile, one of her classmates
    was v**** yesterday, but her mother sent her to school today because
    she did not want her to miss the trip. What was this stupid broad
    thinking? Her husband is an MD. Does MD stand for medically
    deficient, medical douchebag or what?

    I hope spring will bring allergies and chicken pox. Can we please say good bye to stomach virus?

    I am spent with this thing. Can you tell I have had it?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I am fed up too, it seems like it is bad every where. I know it is going around again in our area. Doesnt sound like it is too rampant though. Usually when it gets that bad, they will have a write up about it in the paper. Speaking of which, comes out today. I will have to get one and see if there is mention of it in there. I had a meeting to got to last night and someone was talking about his kids being sick (he is in a neighboring town) and then a man that lives here in our town said "I have heard several ppl having it."

    I say bring on spring and goodbye stomach stuff!!!! AND HURRY!!!!

    The weather is actually warm here today, I wish it would stay that way and kill off some of this sickness. What is the weather like in your area? How old is your daughter, I hope that she remains well through all this!!

    Edited by: jennyleigh1975

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States



    The weather is in the 40's and they are calling for snow
    tomorrow. I with it would snow so that the kids would be off of

    My daughter is 7.5 and my son is 5.5. I hope they both stay
    well. We all have had influenza this month with high fevers,
    chills, body aches, cough and snottiness. My son has IBS and acid
    reflux. The acid reflux is really bad and the gastroenterologist
    thinks it may be causing him an ulcer. Anyway, my son is now
    taking previcid and has an appointment on 4/6. They are talking
    about doing an endoscope. This stomach bug thing worries me
    because if my son gets it he could end up in the hospital because of
    the reflux.

    I wish this stomach bug would just go the hell away already.
    There is nothing on life as indestructible of this thing - except for


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    Hi gang. I too an freaking out about the stomach virus "going around." I feel like my daughter is just doomed to get it because she seems to get nearly all of them. I don't think she phobic about v'g, but she does not like it, and it just breaks my heart when she is sick. Then there is always the chance that my son could catch it. He only v's infrequently which I find so interesting. They go to the same school, and yet when my daughter is sick it is almost always a stomach thing, and when my son is sick it is almost always a respiratory thing. I guess it just proves that different people have different resistances, different physiological makeups??

    Anyway, my kids have been on break from school for the last month so I have had a bit of a breather from the worrying. They go back on Monday, and I am depressed to think about what's around the corner. Crap, can't they just come up with a vaccine?!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    rileyl ....... Do you have year round school where you all live? Im just curious as to why your kids were out of school for a month. Thats cool. I am hoping that things will start to die down in our area now, It was bad last week in several towns close to us. Im not sure how bad it was here in our town though, kinda afraid to ask!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United Kingdom


    You know, the bug isn't that bad, even by emet standards. We have a resistance or something. My friend got it, was of all week v*ing, I caught it (The only one of my family!) Had nausea and d* for 3 days (One of which was at achool, not fun) and was totally fine by the end. And baltimore is a big place, it may never reach you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    United States


    Ugh. I am so ready for spring...
    In memory of the sweetest german shepherd I ever had the pleasure of knowing. I love you, Duncan. 3/12/02 - 12/19/11

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    Yeah, Jennyleigh. My kids are in year round school. I have actually really liked it. They get February, June and October off. Illness-wise I am glad they get February off; seems to be a germy month (or maybe I am just neurotic....), and October is my favorite month of the year.

    Don't you homeschool, Jennyleigh? Or do I have you confused with someone else? At times, that seems like such a good idea. Wish I was in a position to do it.

  9. #9
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    Jul 2004
    United States


    I do homeschool. I really enjoy doing it. We live in a small town and the school here just wasnt up to our standards. There is a private school about 30-45 min away from us, we are looking into that, but I think it is gonna be hard for me to let them go. I have been at home so long. Part of me wants to put them in school and go back myself, or work, and part of me is scared to, partly because of the EMET. With the year round school, do you find that your children get sick any less? How much time do they get off for Christmas and Easter?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    United States


    I think that homeschooling would be very rewarding under the right circumstances. I really admire you. Unfortunately, I am divorced, and the kids' dad lives in another state. I have to work full time as I am providing the bulk of the income (although their dad does help), and - hugely important - our health insurance coverage. However, I have been very happy with their public school education so far. My kids are in 3rd and 1st grade. And, yes, it is hard to send them off every day for a variety of reasons. Truth be told, one of the biggest reasons is my fear that they will catch a stomach virus.

    I would say that my kids are pretty healthy, and maybe even healthier than kids in traditional school. I have nothing scientific to base that on, just conversations with other mothers. But even one sv is more than I want to deal with. Not very realistic, but a mom can dream, can't she?

    My kids get the same amount of time off at Easter and Christmas as in traditional school. 1 week for spring break and 2 weeks for Christmas. Their 3 month "summer break" is just spread out over the year.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Stella, My sister lives in BAltimore and where she lives they haven't caught anything but the respiratory stuff.

    Have you always lived in Baltimore?? My sister got married last year and they moved there with my nephew, and my sister is really outgoing and friendly and she is strict on disciplining my nephew, and she says she feels like a fish out of water because most of the people that she has come across have been rude and not friendly (we live in the midwest where MOST people are TOO friendly). My nephew, who will be 8 next week, is overweight (not OBESE, but definitely overweight) and she says that the kids in their neighborhood make fun of him and some of the older ones bully him--even in front of their parents--and the parents do absolutely nothing about it. Your kids go to private school,. so I am sure that standards of parenting are a little higher, but have you encountered anything like this?? She doesn't even want to leave her house or meet anybody new--she hangs out with her in laws. Luckily, my brother in law is in the army and is just finishing his nursing degree at Uof M and then the army will be stationing them somewhere else, but she is miserable and I feel so bad for her!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Hey Donna,

    I feel bad for your sister. However, what she is feeling is not unusual for transplants.

    Baltimore is a terrible place for newcomers. Every single person
    that I have met who has moved here has been miserable because they
    found the locals to be very unfriendly. My best friend moved here
    ten years ago and still hates it. I've lived here my entire life
    and I hate it.!!!!!!

    Baltimore is a very provincial town despite the fact that it is a big
    city. It is very unique for a large city in that many people are
    born and raised here and never ever move. People do not welcome
    people outside of their little clicks. In fact, there is so much
    clickiness amongst the locals that it is revolting.

    As for the discipline, or lack thereof, that your sister has witnessed
    - well, it is rampant in this town. I see if everywhere. I
    believe in the discipline of children. I don't spank or yell, but
    i believe in consistency and that I am the parent not them.
    Baltimore's parents are very relaxed, so much so that it is typical for
    the kids rule in so many families. I am forever shocked by what I
    see. It is not unusual to see kids tell their parents to shut up
    or yell at them in in public to have the parents do nothing. I
    can't imagine doing that to my parents. For sure, I would
    have never needed orthodontics because there would be no teeth in my
    mouth to support them if I ever sassed my parents. My parents
    were Europeans so they had a different trajectory than those around
    here. My kids wouldn't dare get flip with me because they know it
    is not acceptable in our home. But as I noted, it is pervasive in
    this town to see obnoxious kids.

    By the way, I got my undergraduate degree from University of Maryland and my MBA from Johns Hopkins University.


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Thanks, Stella, I just thought it was her being a little dramatic!! Our dad was in the army and we lived LOTS of places, and she just says she can't believe how rude they are! Her in-laws are great, but then, her father in law is a minister, so I don't think they would be rude!!

    I hope all went well with the field trip!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Hello everyone. My 3 year old has been v'ing for 2 1/2 weeks off and on. I thought it was a virus, so I didn't take her in to the doctor until earlier this week. They thought that because she was v'ing bile only, it may be a blockage, but tests showed it was not. Today she was v'ing again, so I took her to the ER (because I was supposed to if she had an episode again). They are now convinced it is an obstruction, and we have to go for an Upper GI on Mon. morn. Anyway, that is the bad news...the good news? The ER was busy, but mostly with fevers, and the doctor said flu is on the decline now. Not too long... hang in there. Please be thinking about my daughter. I don't know if she will have to have surgery or what.

  15. #15
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    Apr 2004


    Have they tested her for rotavirus?? 2 years ago, my kids (my older one, especially--she was 2 and then turned 3 that year) threw up on and off from Halloween until EASTER it was awful!! And it was rotavirus--that would be better news than an obstruction! I certainly hope your little one is okay!!! Let us know!! And if you need any advice or support, we are here!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Thank you for your concern. Blood tests show it is definently not viral, which is bad for her,and I feel so guilty that I am glad it is nothing we can catch. I can't help feeling that way. I know you all understand though.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Hi, I will be praying for your poor little one... Hope its nothing too serious... And don't feel guilty that you are glad it's nothing contagious... Just feel happy that you can actually cuddle her and comfort her without feeling nervous of germs, thats the most important thing.

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  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    I agree with what skinnyme said. I surely hope that nothing is seriously wrong with her. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Jen, I will be praying for your daughter. I hope everything is ok. The poor thing should not have to go through something like this, and at such a young age. I will be thinking of you both. Good luck on monday.

    That which does not kill us only makes us stronger.



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