Hey forum.

So i thought i'd write in here about a recent experience i had! I had been avoiding getting a root canal for months, for fear of a long dental appointment. I hate having things in my mouth for that long especially if i'm lying on my back and have to get an xray.

I managed to lie there for the whole hour, anxious but breathing through my nose and listening to some calming music (if anyone is interested, i usually listen to Sigur Ros when i'm in need of calming music, so i recommend them) and i was actually able to stay in control.

The unfortunate part is that when i had to have an xray i did gag twice, which was pretty much the worst thing ever, and i did feel like i couldnt breathe. But i told my dentist i was afraid beforehand and after trying once to take the xray and me not being able to handle that little paper thing in my mouth, she instead just got her hygenist to go to the xray button before i put it in my mouth so i only had to have it in there for a few seconds.

It was an awful feeling, but it was only a few seconds and i survived it, i even bussed home after (which causes me anxiety). So i'm calling it a triumph.

Unfortunately i do have to go back for a second appointment apparently, and i'm going to avoid the xray as much as possible as i always try to do. So hopefully i can deal with that one too.