I'm going to Birmingham (from Glasgow) with my mum and my auntie next Wednesday for a funeral and I'm really scared I or someone else will get air sick. To be honest I'm more scared about it happening to someone else because at least if it's me I can prepare myself. I've been on a plane once before but I was 4 so I can't even remember it. I don't usually get travel sick or anything but I'm so scared that I will now. It will only take about an hour to get there, we were going to go on a coach but that would have taken 7 hours so I refused to go.
Also for a while I've been waking up at night feeling really ill and panicking. I really don't want it to happen in Birmingham but I'm not really surre why I'm so scared. Obviously it's not a nice feeling but I'll be sharing a room with my mum so she'll be there to help if anything happens.
I've never met most of my family down there so I really hope this stupid phobia doesn't ruin the whole thing.