So first off, I went to a concert last night, and it was my absolute favorite band: Blink 182. Now I have been going to numerous concerts since I was about 12 (I'm currently 17), and at these concerts I normally Jump around sing loudly, and get really into it. But over the past year, it has been hard for me to enjoy a concert because I feel so nauseous that I'm actually about to v*. Like I cant even sing. (But i also have a ton of stomach issues like IBS, gerd, gastroparesis, etc).

And the other thing was roller coasters, I used to be able to go on all types of coasters, but for the past year since my phobia has been worse, I get really nauseous after the ride.

I get really upset because these were two of my favorite things to do, and now I cant. Do you think it's the fear, or it is actually because of my stomach problems?