Hi all! So, Ive got a 2 day concert to go to next week and finding myself very anxious about it! I fear getting sick in public, I fear getting sick and being too far from my home. I will be about an hour away.. I have a hard time going anywhere farther then about 20min without feeling sick with anxiety. What are some relaxation techniques that I could use to help me get through it? I am not on meds (no insurance and broke)

My emetophobia has skyrocketed since January when I was driving with my dad and he got sick all over the car while I was driving. It took all I could not to jump out of the moving car. Ever since then, it has been debilitating! I honestly feel sick every day. My anxiety has almost ruined my marriage.
Ive been an emetophobic for atleast 4 years.. I havent been sick in over 10 years but I didn't start thinking about it until then.

Thank you