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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Default Need a rant....what a day!

    Today while at work, there was some commotion and I discovered someone was v*ing in the lobby of the bank I work in. Thankfully they got to the trashcan, but they apparently stood at the trash can as long as it would have taken them to get outside or to the bathroom. Why didn't they do one or the other??? People are so stupid!!! If that had been me, I would have run outside as quickly as I could!

    My nerves absolutely got the best of me and I was on the verge of both a panic attack as well as passing out. After they were sick, I was almost petrified to even be breathing the air in the building. I gave someone the Lysol and had them walk around and spray the air and surfaces. This person was burping right in the face of another bank employee and I'm absolutely mortified that the other employee is going to catch whatever it is, if it's contagious. And the kicker was, the woman said she felt sick at her stomach today. Why the heck didn't she stay home?!?!?!?!?! so inconsiderate!

    I've not been able to forget about it and doubt I can for a while. I just hope and pray that it wasn't passed on to anyone in the bank!

    Thanks, y'all, for letting me rant!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    United Kingdom ( worcestershire )

    Default Re: Need a rant....what a day!

    I've only just seen this. How did it turn out ? Did anyone else catch a virus ? If she had run outside and you were walking along you would be saying why didn't she use the garbage can So it's best the way she did it i would say.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Midlands, England

    Default Re: Need a rant....what a day!

    Oh no, that sounds awful!! Well done for staying at work and battling through it - I'd have been out of there before she'd got to the bin XD I hope no one else caught the virus..? It might not have been anything contagious, she could've just had food poisoning or something! I know what you mean though, I always feel like I don't want to breathe when I'm around ill people lol!
    "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar" - Helen Keller



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