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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    United Kingdom

    Default How did your emet begin?

    Hi all, I wanted to post asking everyone to share theyre worst moment in theyre lives. When the phobia actually began.

    Its understandable if you cannot remember or dont wish to talk about it, as I know, it can be very difficult to speak about it, which i have found when speaking to Councellar's in the past.

    However I think it will help me and others suffering this horrible underestimated phobia if we are to share where it all began and try working together not to let this beat us!

    I would now like to share mine.
    It was October 1993 a day before the October break. I had this terribly sore stomach when I woke up, but because I always faked illness to get off school I just never spoke of it and went to school as normal. I also ate breakfast because I didnt want to get shouted at for not eating. The day went on and the pain never let up, and when it came to lunch time i was freaking out, as I knew I was not hungry but the teachers always tried to make us eat.(school is quite evil) anyway I managed a few bites of a sandwich and that was all. After that we were all outside for break time and people could see something wasnt right, and for some reason I acted like an emet, I didnt want to tell people what was up, so i used the excuse of a sore nose! Anway we returned to class and I felt really bad, very N* and very anxious. i just remember asking for my mum and all of a sudden I lost control and V* all over my desk. The class went eerily silent as I was rushed over to the sink outside. The silence and eeriness scared me. I was made clean myself up and return to class, and I was then made sit away from everyone else. It made me feel isolated and diseased. My aunt picked me up and took me home. From then on this phobia has always been a problem.

    Its very hard to talk about this but Im glad i have written on this site to the people who understand the most. Please leave comments, much appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    OHIO, United States

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    I can't believe they made you stay in the classroom. Why wouldn't they send you to the nurse to lay down?

    Mine is kinda similar because it happened at school. Mom says, looking back, I have always been weird when it came to being ill, but it really got bad in 3rd grade. Up until 3rd grade I was just afraid of others who got sick, but this made me fear myself. It was the last night of Easter Break and I was watching a Kenny Chesney concert on TV. Mom let me snack on Spicy Doritos and even stay up past my bedtime. Well, the next morning I remember not feeling all that good, but I never really felt good in the mornings. I got on the school bus like usual and remember just leaning up against the seat in front of me and just feeling miserable. Then we got to school and I got up to walk off the bus and I just vomited on the sidewalk and then I got into the school and I was trying to get to the bathroom but I didn't make it, and vomited in the hallway in front of everybody and they just stood there and watched while i tried to runway/but be sick at the same time. I don't really remember much after that, just that I was always wanting to stay home from school. I started having nightmares about being sick and would wake my mom up in the middle of the night saying I didn't feel good and couldn't sleep. I always wanted to stay home from school and was always going to the school nurse complaining that I felt sick. Really, I was probably just having anxiety. Since those chips were the last thing I ate and what I vomited, I never ate them again. That was, like, 13 years ago and I haven't been ill since.
    “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

    “We are the girls with anxiety disorders, filled appointment books, five-year plans. We take ourselves very, very seriously. We are the peacemakers, the do-gooders, the givers, the savers. We are on time, overly prepared, well read, and witty, intellectually curious, always moving. We pride ourselves on getting as little sleep as possible and thrive on self-deprivation. We drink coffee, a lot of it. We are on birth control, Prozac, and multivitamins. We are relentless, judgmental with ourselves, and forgiving to others. We never want to be as passive-aggressive as our mothers, never want to marry men as uninspired as our fathers. We are the daughters of the feminists who said, “You can be anything,” and we heard, “You have to be everything.”

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    suffolk, uk

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    I had penicillin for the first time when I was about 7. Went to bed 20mins or so after having it feeling fine. I woke up an hour later and spent all night projectile v. It was awful and even now I won't take medicines that I haven't had before.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    Quote Originally Posted by randall3329 View Post
    I had penicillin for the first time when I was about 7. Went to bed 20mins or so after having it feeling fine. I woke up an hour later and spent all night projectile v. It was awful and even now I won't take medicines that I haven't had before.
    Ew that would be horrible. I have never projectile v. Does it feel worse than normal v? I always wonder what makes it happen but I am scared to google it in case google comes up with pictures of it.

    I think the first time I started getting scared of it was when my sis was bulimic when I was like 15. Since then it has taken a long time for my phobia to develop into what it is today, but I think that was definitely a starting point.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    Its so sad that one little trigger in our lives, has put us through this for years and years later. Do you think that if those experiences mentioned never happened, we would all feel different, or do you think it was in our make up to happen?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    United States

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    I don't remember ever not having the phobia, so I must have had it from birth or as a very young child. My therapists and I have come up with 2 possible triggers though:

    1. My dad was very sick with a liver disease when I was a child. He's since recovered (yay!) but they had him on many different experimental medicines for years. They made him lose tons of weight and be very sick in many ways, one of which was sometimes random v*. Now, one of the things that scares me the most is the fear that it might just randomly happen, and I can't control when, where, or how it happens.

    2. When I was born, my esophagus wasn't fully developed so I v*ed a LOT. It fixed itself when I was about 6 weeks old, but according to my parents I could barely keep anything down. I'm not sure if this is when it started though, because apparently I was not scared by it and my parents didn't see signs of emet until I was about 3.
    PM me for contact info such as skype, email, or facebook. Thanks!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Rhode Island

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    Mine only started 5 years ago this month when I started developing stomach problems out of no where. It started to become a control issue as I have never let myself actually vomit from these stomach problems, which I still currently have (but have learned to cope with over time). I have always been squeemish with people being sick my whole life, but never on a phobic level. Its peaked in the past year to year and a half, although the past few months I have been doing really well with controlling and breaking out of some of the habits and OCD tendencies I have allowed myself to fall into over the past few years.

  8. #8

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    I've had emet as long as i can remember. But I'm pretty sure that this is where mine came from...

    When i was either 3 or 4, my older brother and I were in the family room watching tv, or something. He was sitting on the couch above me and out of literally nowhere he V* on the floor. I remember my mom rushing him to the bathroom. It scared me so much. I remember screaming and crying as my dad was holding me. I remember him walking toward the bathroom to check on my brother but with me in his arms, and i was freaaaaking out. Ever since then i feared it.
    I think it was from the randomness of it, and the loss of control i saw, and the panic. Even all through childhood, at school whenever a kid would V*, the teachers would freakout, and act like they had some kind of plague. It scared me. I guess it got stuck in my head. Because to me, it is a plague. lol

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    Theres so many things that fears us over it, its the FEELING/SENSATION loss of control, taste smell etc etc. Even only being afraid of one of those feelings can send you over the edge.

    Ive been in a bit of a meltdown recently, and find it helps to know you are not alone. Does anyone know of group therapy for emets?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    I think mine started about 5 years ago in the summer. I was down in Florida for the summer on vacation and for some reason 5 nights a week just v* for hours before I could finally go to sleep! It lasted a few weeks until I stopped, and after then I had really bad stomach problems, where I would just randomly v*. Finally, I stopped, and only v* a few times since then (including a norovirus 2 years ago D Finally about a year ago I was diagnosed with lactose intolerance, and for some reason I can remember every time I v* from a certain point in my life (starting when I was about 4) and a lot of times I notice I had dairy. Especially those nights that summer, ice cream, pizza, etc. Now I'm just terrified. I hate it. It correlates with bad memories, and now I'm afraid to be sick.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    Hey. Mine started when i was about 9 or 10. Before that i never thought about it. I been out to a concert and had been feeling fine. I went to bed feeling fine, but then in the night i suddenly woke up and was violently sick for hours. It was very frightening. Every night after that for a good year i would ask my mum whether if i was going to be ok and whether she thought i would wake up and be sick. Every night she would say you will be just fine and you wont be sick. She must have had the patience of a saint! but even if i felt completely fine i just thought i would wake up randomly in the night and be violently sick again. My phobia seems to be just getting worse. And all from that one night :-( Councillors etc have said its prob something more deeper than that, a family problem when i was younger etc etc. They just cant except nor anyone else, that its simply after a terrifying experience of being sick.

  12. #12

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    Mine started when I was in like 1st or 2nd grade. Believe it or not, I was obsessed with it when I was a kid. I always wanted to be a janitor and then got a bit too exposed (lol sounds a bit funny. Who would want to clean up v*?). I loved that gross stuff so much I must've got too close or something. I got the worst virus of my life and v* 3 times in one night all over my dad! From that point on, I hated the whole thing and said "THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!!"!!!!!!!!!!!! That's my story...

  13. #13
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    Mine was when I was in 6th grade. I woke up in the middle of the night around 3am and felt completely fine. No hurt stomach not even an icky feeling but my mouth started doing that thing I don't want to say haha and I jumped out of bed and it happened and kept happening and didn't stop all night until early the next morning. After that 3am became the worst time for me. I refused to stay up past that time, if I woke up and it was before 3am or close to it I would have a panic attack but if it was like 3:55 I would think "phew i'm in the clear" also I refused to step foot back in that room because I thought maybe the smell of it made it happen. I remember my dad made me go back in that room once and I held my breath for so long until I couldn't anymore so i put my face in my shirt and started hyperventilating (sp?) I have only one other time since then but it was really easy and not scary at all. I had bronchitis and I basically coughed too hard. If it was always like that I wouldn't care about doing it. But I know its much worse.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    I believe mine started in middle school when i heard my dad V in the middle of the night from a kidney stone. Ive never seen my dad sick. Also my moms health was pretty bad until she passed away.

  15. #15
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    Mine didn't really become a problem until I was around 19 years old (I'm 23). I guess I became emet from a s*v* I had in the middle of the night which I caught from my brother when I was 10. I was still half asleep and had no control over it so that really frightened me. It's funny though because it never stopped me from getting really drunk on the weekends to the point of d*h* most times and once I did actually v*.

  16. #16
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    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    Mine started when I was in the 3rd grade and the SV swept through my house unlike anything I've seen before. There are 7 kids in my family, and 3 bathrooms and all of the kids, and my dad, got it. I just remember my brothers vomiting outside the bathroom door because another kid was in there. It went on like this for a couple days and it just scarred me for life. None of my brothers or sisters are emet, but my mom is. Not as severe as me, though.

    Thankfully, I'm the youngest and all my siblings moved out shortly after this horrifying event!

  17. #17
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    Oct 2006

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    I was about 6 when I woke up with a stomach ache. I told my mom I didn't feel well and she told me I was fine and to go back to bed. I went back to bed and I'm not sure how long I was asleep, but I woke up with it coming out of my mouth. I was unable to get to the bathroom. I went to my mom's room and told her I threw up on my bed, and then did it again in the hallway on my way back to the bathroom. After I was done being sick, I went to tell my mom I was sorry and she was cleaning the carpet and she yelled at me to get back in the bathroom and not to come out, that she'd bring me my pillow and a blanket and I could sleep on the floor. I will never forget the anger I saw in her face that night and I think that's when it got really bad for me.

  18. #18
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    I believe my emet started because when I was young I would hallucinate when I had really high fevers. The only times I can remember the hallucinations were when I had a sv* and they scared the crap out of me.

  19. #19
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    Hove, UK

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    I was 9 (I think) and it was Boxing Day night. Went to bed feeling fine and woke up in the night and threw up, then again the next morning and in the afternoon. It was a bug as everyone in the house had it except my dad.

    Like one of the posters above says, I then spent years asking my mum each evening at bedtime if I was going to be sick in the night.

    Thing is, looking back, it was gross and obviously I felt rough as I had a stomach bug but I wasn't scared at the time, I just got on with it. Nothing about the event seems particularly traumatic so I don't know why I worked myself up into a terror about it afterwards.

  20. #20
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    Mine started when I was 6. Might be graphic to some. My uncle(who was 9 at the time, practically my brother) was staying the night at my house. We were watching some scary movies and staying up late with my mom. We both slept in my bed that night. He woke up screaming in my ear which made me scream bloody murder. My mom rushed in and told me to shut up cause I was still screaming. He jumped off of the bed running to the bathroom crying and said he was throwing up, and threw up while he said it. He apparently threw up in my bed, which made him scream, right next to my head but none got on me...
    Ever since then, I've been scared of others getting sick near me or hearing it. Just thinking about that night scares me. I'm learning about psychology and I know this is when it all started.

  21. #21

    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    I think I was about six. So my brother probably would have been about ten or elevent. He's always had a funny stomach and I recall him v* next to me on the sofa. It completely freaked me out and I've had fears about people v* ever since. It didnt help when I was in high school that 2 people also v* while sitting next to me, in the same chair, in the same classroom BOTH times.

  22. #22
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    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    Quote Originally Posted by todzwife View Post
    I was about 6 when I woke up with a stomach ache. I told my mom I didn't feel well and she told me I was fine and to go back to bed. I went back to bed and I'm not sure how long I was asleep, but I woke up with it coming out of my mouth. I was unable to get to the bathroom. I went to my mom's room and told her I threw up on my bed, and then did it again in the hallway on my way back to the bathroom. After I was done being sick, I went to tell my mom I was sorry and she was cleaning the carpet and she yelled at me to get back in the bathroom and not to come out, that she'd bring me my pillow and a blanket and I could sleep on the floor. I will never forget the anger I saw in her face that night and I think that's when it got really bad for me.
    awww that's so sad. parents just don't get it. i mean, i guess she was in a crummy mood from cleaning up v instead of sleeping, but still!

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  23. #23
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    Default Re: How did your emet begin?

    when i was nine i woke up in the morning and v*d while home alone. it terrified me so much i stayed out of school for weeks and my parents kept taking my to the doctors and they took me to the hospital and i had to get so many shots and the girl in the room next to mine was practically v*ing her guts out... great thing to hear.

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