I have bad emetophobia, but learned a really important lesson today, that took half of my worries away literally for good.

I've had anxiety for about 3 years related to emetophobia and have severe panic attacks frequently if something I come across may happen to make me ill; such as someone with a bug (Weve all been through it lets be honest). The anxiety has affected me physically it is/ was that bad. I went to the doctors with heartburn and indigestion problems, and constantly felt like my stomach was on fire, it was making my fear so bad, only to be told that I was developing a stomach ulcer from the anxiety and worry caused by daily life. Symptoms of an ulcer happen to be much, MUCH worse than a virus, or eating something that might be off, such as constant... well, you know, because thats why were on here discussing it.. This trip to the doctors shook me up badly.

So what did I learn? Simple, but it took me till just now to figure it out...
I learned that by worrying so very badly the way I was doing, about whether I'd catch a virus from someone, eat something bad, or just encounter anything that might make me ill, I was making myself far more likely to have something so much more terrifying, that clashes furiously with emetophobia. It is easy to get a stomach ulcer just from anxiety, which would make me ill just about every day for several months or even years! This would make life lots worse for a sufferer. I have just come to terms with this, and its like suddenly waking up to reality. I was about to face a real problem. im not worried anymore, I know how to avoid getting ill, its by not worrying! Worrying is in fact the cause!

So I think now Ive finally realised what im doing to myself and ive stopped. Instead of worrying about worrying all the time like I used to, im now much better, and starting to think about real life . To keep myself with a positive mindset I just think these thoughts:

. Just forget about worrying, because it will only make matters worse than they already are, just chill, lay back and relax ; cause its nothing as bad as it could be if I continue thinking like this!
. I will cross the bridge when i get there, but for now nothing will happen to me. And if its likely to, just do something spontaneous and fun that will throw my mind to other matters, or leave my thoughts and think about others instead.
.What would my Idol do?
. Dont dwell on what "might" happen. If anything will happen, its ok, because everyone around me in public could experience exactly the same as me or even worse, Im not alone. If there are real friends around they would totally understand, and support me every step of the way.
. How do penguins feed their chicks? and they do that for love! and for their child to grow and live. Most animals do this, they dont see it as a reason to worry, so why should I?
. If anything did happen, it would be over and done with in seconds, whereas I may live for 80 or more years! Thats a very long time, and imagine the amazing things I could do to make myself happy within that amount of time! So is my phobia really worth holding that back when what im scared of only lasts a few minutes at most? definitely not!

Im not completely over the phobia, but this sudden slap to the face has made me see it is normal to act when confronted with something scary, but living in constant fear just isnt worth it, as it can bring much worse circumstances than catching a bug.Ease up, relax, smile and just have faith, the fear will subside with time. May this help others and I wish everyone the best!