The past few days I have not felt well. And I'm not anxious or worries about anything so that's not it.
Warning of graphic details below!!!

Two nights ago my stomach hurt before bed. I fell asleep to let it go away. I woke up feeling ok but didn't have much of an appetite. Then later I started getting hungry so I ate a sandwich here at home. Right after I ate, my stomach hurt again. But no n, d, or v. We went to our local restaurant as we always do Wednesday nights. I did feel hungry before, so I ate normally, but again my stomach hurt afterwards. Not excrutiating but enough that I just wanted to go home and lie down. So I did. I was EXTREMELY gassy all night. I got nauseated a little later but it went away. I got hungry before bed and ate some saltines. It took the hunger away but made my stomach hurt again. Then today I woke up hungry. my son and I ate some cereal and I was ok.then had subway for lunch and was all right until about an hour later. Stomach cramps, and some loose stools. I wouldn't call it quite d* but it was loose. Maybe because I did take some pepto when I felt n last night.
The reason I'm thinking its something viral and not my normal IBS is 1 It's lasting 3 days. Normally whatever I eat that bothers me doesn't stick around long. And 2 my son has had some nasty diapers the past few days. And frequent. Like 4 or 5 times a day which isn't normal for him anymore. Not since he was a baby. So I'm wondering if we both have something mild. Or we ate something that wasn't good? It wouldn't be a stretch because I'm with him all day and we eat the same foods. My husband works noon-9pm so I'm his primary caregiver.
I'm not worried about it honestly. Just trying to figure out what's up