Hi im always postin on here spazzing out because someone ALWAYS seems to have a SV around me and I'm too scared to cope! I have a 5 year old sister who's in her first year of school but has been at nursery for years so it's usually her that has it and when she does I literally become suicidal and have to leave the house! Last time was in October I got on a random flight to Spain and just showed up at my grandmas door I HAD TO LEAVE THE COUNTRY!

In November/December/january i get SOOO much worse because I know everyone has the SV more! I CANT leave the house unless I really have to! If I do I hand sanitize every 5mins! I get OCD really and about touching objects or not touching them and also counting which is really weird, I have to count to a certain number while I'm doing something and if I think I've counted too fast or too slow I have to start again! Grr!

I have a bf who moved house last year so he's about 2 hours away now, last week we decided instead of me going to his or him coming here we'd both go somewhere different and stay in a hotel! I was SO scared leaving the house and going on the train in December about catching things but everyone reassured me I'd be fine but that night in the hotel HE ACTUALLY HAD THE SV! (already posted about this so won't go into it again!) it was the scariest night of my life, scarier than when my sister gets it coz id been intimate with him that night and all over each other all day! So all this week I've been TERRIFIED! I also have ibs which I always tell myself is a bug and coz ive been worrying I get stomach ache and ibs (even right now I have it and I'm thinking it's a bug!!) ARGH!

my bf was SO poorly! It was horrendous, about 3 days later his mum and dad also got it and even though I haven't seen them in months Ive been panicking about that too and if could still be in my system just with no symptoms yet! TODAY my bf's sisters bf has the bug! He could have caught it from my bf because they went out together through the week or he could have caught it from his gf because her mum and dad had it too but either way IM SCARED FOR HIM TOO even though I haven't seen him for months either and I have no plans to!!!

I haven't seen my bf since he was ill (a week today) and we've made plans for him to come to mine after Xmas (I'm too scared to go to his for AGES now!) so he's coming on 9th Jan but my worry is.... What if this SV keeps making it's way around all his friends and family and by 9th Jan he has it in his system again or has it again??!!! Because they aren't emet they aren't particularly fussed about being near people who've had it... His sisters bf who has it now is currently being ill at his house too so already he's exposed to it again and I guarantee he'll sit with him on the xbox and as soon as he's physically ok again they'll go out together!! Is 9th Jan too soon? Or should I leave it longer?? My stomach hurts so much people keep telling me it's IBS and the fact Im due on soon but I'm terrified!!

SORRY ABOUT THIS HUGE RANT I'm just a nervous wreck and needed to get it out!!!