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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    England unfortunatly :(

    Default Can't cope anymore!!!

    I'm SO terrified of getting the winter SV and then because I'm so scared I get a flare up of IBS but panic it's not IBS but in fact a bug and I just can't do it!! I can't eat because I'm either too scared if I eat I'll get a stomach ache or V or I already have stomach ache so bad that I can't eat!

    My stomach aches getting worse and Its a bug, it hurts SO bad usually with IBS it doesn't hurt THIS much so whats wrong with me?? If I v I will commit suicide straight after because I never want to go through it EVER again!

    I haven't left the house in a week coz I'm too scared of catching something but I can't not leave the house forever and I've made a doctors appointment today but I'm scared to go to that because I'll have to sit in a waiting room of Ill people and they'll be germs there!

    I'm 18 my friends are all going out to Xmas parties this week Which ive been invited to but I can't go incase I catch a bug!! Two of my friends have said they will come and see me at my house but I really don't want them to incase they've been around anyone with the SV!

    This is ruining my life so bad Im so scared and can't take this stomach ache I actually just want to die

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    South East, UK

    Default Re: Can't cope anymore!!!

    You can get through this, we're all going through this dreadful season together so try to hang in there. Why do you think it's a bug? You'd definitely know by now if it was - it's probably just the panic/anxiety. Let me know if you're in need of a chat x



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