1) I was arrested once ( HUGE mistake that was fixed but wow was it stressful and very scary)

2) My husband of 8.5 yeras (been together 10 years) have hardly anything in common but I still feel warm fuzzies when he so much as touches my hand.

3) My labor with my son ( only child) was horrible and I had my tubes tied during my C-section without telling anyone other then my husband of course ( he was good with it) and it upset my mother and mother in law. We are still almost 7 years later happy with our little family of 3 - Me, the hubby and our son!

4) I am a survivor of a 3 abusive relationships. Thankfully I broke the cycle with my husband, but I am a much stronger person because of what I've been through and have helped several friends leave their abusive relationships.

5) I had a breast reduciton and had some pretty major complications ( DVT - Blood Clot in my arm almost died) and would do it again in a heart beat. I love my little bearly C cups !

6) I'm a stay at home mom ( and I homeschool our son) and I love every minute of it. It's a true blessing to watch my son learn new things every day.

7) I was raised by gay parents - I was raised by 2 women that loved each other and loved me. They are still together and have been since before I was born, I'm 35 ! I have never seen them kiss though funny enough.

8) I am a control freak ... and I love organization ( being a professional organizer would be my dream part time job) and list's are my best friend. I make them all the time for everything.

9) Everyone comes to me with their problems ( friends especailly) but I hardly ever go to anyone with mine.

10) I love home improvement projects ! My husband even bought me my own tools and tool box ( since his are not organized and I can't find anything)