ooh i love finding out things about people, i guess i'm a naturally nosy person and I love a good story!! This is a fab idea!!

1. I'm a nurse

2. but before training I was a table dancer/exotic dancer/lapdancer, whatever you want to call it!

3. I moved to London many years ago, i love the city!

4. i met my partner when i was 30 through a friend but after our first date I realised he was the hot aloof guy from a rival school! 15 years had passed since i saw him, i couldn't believe i was dating the super popular guy! lol

5. i used to be a goth, back when i was 16...i would only listen to sisters of mercy and groan about how depressing my life was!

6. I survived bacterial meningitus when i was a kid

7. i have a great memory for names and faces but have a habit of walking into a room and forgetting what i was doing!

8. i'm in love with all things antique and vintage , this includes clothes, in fact anything!

9. I don't leave the house without my cat eyes eyeliner, ha its become a part of me!

10. When i was a kid, i was convinced I was a mermaid (like in Splash) and refused to go near the sea (i lived near the beach) just in case my legs turned to fins and wouldn't turn back to legs

Ooh yes, harder than i thought but enjoyed that! will look forward to others replies!! x

p.s wow, also just discovered my over use of exclamation marks! lol