Ok so I was in a bad mood because I walked over vomit earlier and that has put me on edge so I was comfort eating lol and I was eating biscuits too fast and accidently inhaled a load of crumbs which has set my emetophobia and my hypochondria off.

I literally cannot stop cough and its making me feel like i'm gonna be sick so bad. I can kind of force myself to not cough but then I get a tickling in the back of my throat and what feels like my lungs...
On top of being scared of being sick i'm also concerned it's gonna damage my lungs cause I googled it and someone replied to someone on yahoo saying get an mri it could be bad to inhale food into your lungs and someone else saying it can cause infection and pneumonia bla bla

As I write this I'm realising that is sounds mental to think i'm gonna die from a inhaling a bit of biscuit but I'm just having a really bad nervy day ( as well as walking past vomit in my seminar last night a girl said she'd been throwing up all day) but i've always been a hypochondriac and reading those things really hasn't helped.

I just need someone to tell me how ridiculous i'm being and that I won't vomit or ruin my lungs, right???

Also the walking past vomit...if it had been there ages and the weather is freezing does this make it less likely for me to have breathed in a bit of noro??