I'm new here (obviously). I've been looking at this site for a while, but never joined. Today was bad enough that I felt like I should join. I've had this problem for as long as I remember and I HATE IT! It really makes me terribly miserable and I feel like I can't live a normal life because I'm so terribly anxious. Every day is a new struggle and a new anxiety and every stupid little symptom is a reason to panic. Anyway, getting to today...Sorry if this is TMI but because of the birth control I'm on, I always start my period on a Wednesday at like, 5 am (about an hour before I get up for work). So this morning, it either started late or I slept through the cramps (this shows how exhausted I am) but when I woke up I was soooo n*. I also had this weird feeling in my throat so I really thought I might v*. I called my dad panicking and he was not impressed. After getting up and moving a bit I started to feel a little better, but still tired. When I got to work (I work at a school, so you can already imagine my anxiety with the sheer amount of nasty germs in there) I didn't feel n* anymore but my throat was still feeling funny. I kept getting really panicky and n* all morning and I do not know what was going on. I also didn't even have cramps, which is totally weird. After lunch I started to feel better, but I still have this weird feeling in my throat. I've been having bad reflux for a few days, so I thought upon waking maybe there was a little acid in there. But all day? I'm not that experienced with reflux so I really don't know. I'm now just worried I'm getting a cold which freakin sucks because I always get anxious when I'm sick. Even if it is just a little cold. But really the problem here is I've been so unhappy all day and it just makes me so sad that this is what I spend my time thinking about when I have so many other good things to think about and do and be proud of. I'm so frustrated that something like this has taken over my life. I want to feel better and I want to get better and I'm so sick of wasting my time on a phobia that is so...counterproductive. I know a lot of this stress is from my job which is tough because of hours and emotionally, but I have to get used to it. Does anyone have any advice for me?? I've been thinking of seeing someone to talk to, but until then? Any support would be great!!!