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Thread: Funny tummy.

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  1. #1

    Default Funny tummy.

    As usual - I'm posting about my stomach!

    My IBS seems to have been a bit all over the place, easily for a good couple of weeks or so now. Some days it's 'tolerable' and others it just knocks me off my feet.

    Today is a bad day but I'm worried because I feel different.

    Slowly throughout the day it's got worse. I must admit, I've had a crap day for eating and drinking though. It only involves a fry up, tea and coffee and a beef casserole for tea. I'm wondering if tihs is why but I didn't feel that hungry when I ate my tea. I had a funny bm* earlier which I took Phenergan for as I felt quite n* and panicked. Now I'm so tired. I know Phenergan makes me drowsy, but it was like I couldn't be bothered too eat!

    Any suggestions how to deal with this? I have a pain that is almost where period pain may be as well, but I'm nowhere near that time of the month. I think some of this is stress as my nanny hasn't been too well but refuses hospital treatment.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Leeds, England

    Default Re: Funny tummy.

    You say you have IBS and that you are stressed because your nanny is unwell, I'm really sorry to hear that and I wish her well.

    Stress can aggregate IBS and make it worse, its a vicious circle really as you are stressed which brings on the feeling and then you get stressed even more, so I would think it is just that.

    With regards to the period like pain, gyneacological and lower GI pain feel very similar so it could either be your IBS or you are due on. I know it's easier said than but try to not think about it and distract yourself, that's what I do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    California, USA

    Default Re: Funny tummy.

    I agree. The IBS and period cramps are generally the same area but felt differently. I just had a bout of both. First, was my IBS which the cramps were so bad and had bathroom emergencies. Then my period came, with all the pain and n*. I was really stressed so I know that triggered the IBS. So try to do something or take something to relax. You'll be fine.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Funny tummy.

    Thank you for your responses. Still a funny tummy today but trying to remain positive. x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Funny tummy.

    I know where youre coming from. I too have been having real stomach issues lately and Im hoping its IBS. It hasnt really affected my appetite but my stomach is gurgling and crampy, Im getting terrible foul smelling wind (sorry tmi) and Im n* nearly all the time. Also Im going to the toilet a lot more often than usual. Obviously I keep thinking Im getting a sv but looking at it as a whole it certainly points to an IBS flare up. I cant offer you any advice just thought Id let you know you're not alone.



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