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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Let me tell you the entire story from the beginning but please be warned that there is graphic material included.

    I went to bed at 11 last night, and read in bed until about 11:30. I then proceeded to turn off the light and hit the hay..I was exhasted. So I settle in but all of a sudden get these really, really severe cramps in both my upper and lower stomach and intestinal tract. I thought it was just that monthly timing, so I got up, strolled into my washroom to, "Take care of things" but was shocked at both that had nothing to do with it and the HUGE bout of diarreah that came out of me. No nausea or anxiety yet, I just finish on the toilet and head back to bed...I thought to myself, "Oh its just because I've been constapated the last few days."

    But then...5 minutes later the cramps and pains weren't gone. I headed once again to the washroom, andhad an even larger amount of diarreah. This is when I started to get concerned. It's about 12:34am and I took half a gravol at this time.

    I weaved in and out of sleep, cramps not subsiding but worsening. The gravol didn't help, so I awoke my Mom just in case something was seriously wrong. Its sounds so silly now, but I thought my appendix burst or my stomach flipped. My anxiety started to kick in, not about the diarreah, but about what could possibly be wrong.

    From the time I awoke my Mom til about 2am I lived on the toilet. I don't know if it was the stench or something else, but I dry heaved numorus times. Thank god my mom was there to hold me and support me, because even though nothing was coming out, I retched like crazy.

    It didn't concern me like it should've normally for this to be happening to me. I just took an immodium and another gravol and headed back to bed, hoping for the best. My nausea was by this time unbelievable, the real nausea, not the anxiety one. So, at about 3 I got up to try to sit on the throne again.

    I lost complete control of my bowels. They poured..it was aweful. But it gets worse..I'm not even done on the toilet when I feel it coming. A gag..right there in my throat. I call my Mom fantically, and once I feel her clutching my body, I let go.

    I clung to the sink, and the feeling of v*ing came over me. It seemed as though it couldn't, nor wouldn't, stop, and it poured out my nose and mouth. It was so much worse than when I had the flu back in December..I felt chunks of food and bile soilds come up my throat and out my nose without stopping.

    I was doing this for at least 20 minutes..although it felt like 20 hours. That's when there went a problem that to this second I feel unbelivably guilty about...I had clogged the sink with my own vomit. I had to resort to the bucket to finish, and when I was finally done, I ran out of the room.

    I feel so, so guilty for my Mom..she had to think of one way to un clog it. So she took a measuring cup and scooped all the vomit out of the sink into the toilet..never once retching herself. I couldn't bear to watch, I felt so aweful to make her do this!! The stench was so sour, I couldn't stand it, I don't know how she could. And I feel bad about this too...I made her turn on the over head lights to make sure it was normal...pathetic eh?

    Once I knew I was done, I took another gravol (That adds up to two and a half) and crawled into bed with my mom. Sucky, I know, but I had to make sure that if it happened again she could make sure I didn't choke. I continuously got up through the night to have more and more diarreah. No sleep at all. The worst part was that my mouth, throat and nose were burning. I seriously think that was the worst part of all this. So I took a freezie and it suprisingly stayed down.

    Although I still feel sick, I haven't v*ed since 3:39am last night. I just got up, I've been watching TV in bed all morning between bathroom visits, and I haven't eaten anything. I think I will take

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Wow Laura you had such a horrid night, I am soo sorry. Do you think it could have been something you ate? or thats its a SV?? I hope you start to feel better, and soon.. Christy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    You poor thing--I hope you are feeling better!!!Maybe you ate something bad--since you had the horrible cramping!! And don't feel guilty about your mom--that's what we do--I'm sure it didn't traumatize her like it would if she were an emet, too!! I am an emet and have cleaned up numerous amounts of barf in the past 5 years!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Oh man that sounds horrible hun!! I do hope you are feelingbetter.

    And please..dont feel silly for needing your mom..or guilty ecause she had to clean up ... im sure she would do it again all over again because you are her baby...and she loves you.

    take care

    And now I\'m glad I didn\'t know
    The way it all would end the way it all would go
    Our lives are better left to chance I could have missed the pain
    But I\'d of had to miss the dance
    Garth Brooks

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005


    I'm so sorry Laura. Don't feel bad about your mom. If you were a mother you would understand how much love she has for you. I have two children and regardless of my phobia, I have cleaned up so much v* and d* that it should have been enough already for a lifetime. You mother is probably not an emet and has an even easier time than I would cleaning it up. But regardless, I would do it for my child. So, don't worry. Use your mother as you need her. God put moms in our lives for a reason. My mom always slept in my bed when I was sick. Lean on your mother and thank her for being there for you. You deserve to be taken care of right now. And Laura. Just think... it's over. The worst part is over and you will now recover. Again, I'm so sorry this happened to you so soon after your last v*. Get well soon and keep us posted.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Thank you for your replies . I've tried to think of what
    foods I ate, and ate everything I usually do, except for one
    thing. I had fahita (sp? those wrap things) and the sauce was different
    than it usually was, and maybe the chicken was a bit off? I really
    don't know. Anyway, my Mom is having a snooze saying her head
    hurts..hmm..what is going on in this household?

    I just ate a biscoutacha..no thats not some made up word, its a dutch
    food...umm...how to explain? Its kinda like a fat, round, toasted
    cracker. You then put butter on it and sprinkle sugar on it. Other than
    that I had some water and we'll see how that sits.



    Edited by: sunshine16

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United Kingdom


    God you seem to be dealing with this so well! I wouldn't eat for a few days at least! With me, as soon as I feel something "different" in my stomach, I start panicking. I honestly can't imagine doing the deed. And you did it and seem to be doing just fine! Keep on going as you are. It'll be a while before you need to do it again so you can relax! And your mum will be fine aswell.

    No Fear

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    Hearing these stories of emets who actually get sick is great hope for me. You have made it through something that literally the thought of makes me panic. I mean I wouldn't eat for a few days if I even knew someone who got that sick and here you are trying to eat. Wow.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Well, you seem to be dealing well, and atleast it is over. One has to wonder where these viruses start. (If that is what you had, and it sure sounds like it.) Maybe it was food poisioning, from what I hear, that comes on suddenly and can cause you to be violently ill. I guess if your mom comes down with it we will know for sure. Keep us posted on how you both are doing.
    Do you feel any stronger for getting through it, I would have been a wreck. Although, the last time I was sick, I actually did feel stonger (emet wise) after it was over and continued to feel that way for about a year or more.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    I can't believe how well you are doing with all of this! I hope you are feeling better. It soundsa lot like the food poisoning my husband got from Taco Bell. Maybe it was the chicken? Maybe this will be the turning point for you - you've done the worst and made it through. Get some rest and feel better soon!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Gosh Laura, you went through hell last night, and yet you sound pretty cool. I really wish that hwatever you went through was not an sv or bug because that is awful, and I really do hope your mom is not getting it. Did she eat the same food as you????

    Anyways please keep us posted and let us know how you are doing.

    Take care you brave soul!!


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Sorry, to hear you were so sick. It does sound more like food poisoning than a stomach virus. My husband has had food poisoning a few times and he says it's way worse than stomach virus because with a stomach virus you feel better after you vomit, but with food poisoning you just feel worse and worse until all the poison is out of your digestive track. Don't feel bad about your mom either, I'm sure if you ask her she'll tell you that she was glad to be able to help you through such a terrible ordeal. Get lots of rest, and I hope you feel better soon!!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I'm sorry to hear you are sick, I hope you feel better. But that was way too graphic for me.

    Usually I can read stories, but seriously, that was too much.
    .I just want to feel safe in my own skin. I just want to be happy again. I just want to feel deep in my own world. But I’m so lonely I don’t even want to be with myself. <3

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    hmm laura it sounds similar to my fun time last week although honestly yours sounds worse than mine feel better kiddo and best of luck to your mom to stay well

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Oh my Laura.. You got through that very well, good for you!! I hope that you are feeling better, and that your Mom stays well too.. I am so happy you had her there with you..

    Take Care,

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    Quote Originally Posted by terified girl

    Gosh Laura, you went through hell last night, and yet you sound pretty cool. I really wish that hwatever you went through was not an sv or bug because that is awful, and I really do hope your mom is not getting it. Did she eat the same food as you????

    Anyways please keep us posted and let us know how you are doing.

    Take care you brave soul!!


    I just had to make a comment on this one, I noticed that alot of us would much rather have food poisoning or too many cookies or ANYTHING rather than a Stomache Virus, why is that?The way I see it is V is V no matter what caused it.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United States


    Laura you are so brave! I hope you are feeling better, and your mom stays well too. It does sound more like food poisioning, but it sounds like you are through the worst of it.

    And carmagnet, I agree with what you said, but I totally disagree with that way of thiniking. I would much rather get a sv then food poisioning any day. Food poisioning is much more violent. Thats why I can't eat out. I am so much more scared that I will get food poisoning.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2004


    Well I'm here again guys, sitting up at the computer while my stomach rages like a thunderstorm and I shiver all over.

    Its' not so much the nausea now that is bugging me. It's just the sheer and utter aweful feeling. That's it. There is no fear of v*. Just the feeling that it left. My Mom, as we speak, it sprawled out on the couch with a cold compress on her head. She complained her stomach was churning and her head was a boomer of a headache. I do know that we ate the same foods all day yesterday and the day before, which, just like you guys suggested, makes it sound even more like food posioning. My grandma, who lives with us, doesn't feel a thing, and she ate differently than us. Blah...I just don't know. I do know however that if this is food posioning I like the stomach virus a heck of a lot better.

    jennyleigh1975: I do feel stronger, and have much more belief in myself and have learned to trust my body. However, this incident upset me more than my bout in Decemember, which is the only thing holding me back. As in, thoughts race through my mind like, think of how it can be worse when you already think its bad enough! But on a whole, I do strongly believe that I have learned a great lesson from this, and have higher levels of self belief.

    sillygirl: Thank you for your kind thoughts. These were the home packaged and prepared Fahitas that I had for dinner last night, so something could have gone wrong with the packaging, or even things in the salsa sauce stuff. But at the time they sure were good!!

    terified girl: To answer your question, yes my Mom ate the exact foods as I did. On the other hand, if I knew for sure this was food posioning I would much rather have the stomach virus judging by last time, but then who knows? I could have gotten off easy in December...

    zane2673: I do agree with your husband, lol. With the flu, after, and even while you are v*ing, you feel immense relief. With whatever I have, it doesn't make atiny bit of difference. Do you know how many times you usually v* due to food posioning? i.e. How many times would your husband v* after food posioning?

    crazybeautiful: I am so sorry to upset you over how graphic this was, hun. The thing is, and I hope you understand, I really needed to post this topic so that I could come to terms with what had happened. Sorry though, if I upset you!! *hugz*

    emily7: We've really had a fun time lately, haven't we?! Lol, put us together and you get one big pathetic sick person, lol.

    tink: I agree!I sincerly doubt that I could have gotten through last night's ordeal without my mom by my side. Thank god for moms =)

    carmagnet: I somewhat agree with the 'V is V' concept, however, some cases are much severe than others, and can cause more turmoil. For instance, when I had the flu back in Decemember and I v*ed, it was not near as bad as this. I think that v is bad all around, but some things can just make it worse.

    mitch04133: By now I too am almost convinced that it was food posioning! And I sure do hope I'm over the worst!

    But guys, the thing that I fear is the night. It's fast approaching and a very very scary concept. I suppose that its a normal reaction, I mean, after a night like last night, many people would fear for the upcoming one, right? I'm just kinda anxious about it, you know?

    <FONT face=

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    United States


    Oh my gosh! I'm sooo sorry. It sounds like you had a pretty
    rough night. It does sound to me like food poisoning. I had
    it about 2 years ago, and it was horrible!! It almost sounded
    like what you wrote.....all of a sudden the cramping came on,
    then all through the night, I was sooo sick! From both ends!
    But it went away as quickly as it had come. I ate dinner
    the next night. It sounds like you handled it very well.
    You should be proud of yourself! Hope you are feeling better
    soon. By the way, how is your mom? Carrie

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    United States


    Geez...I am sorry you have had to go through that whole ordeal. You know neither food poisoning or a stomach virus is pleasant. I agree the food poisoning is WAY worse. Food poisoning has a pretty fast onset. So I personally think its a sv. I guess it doesnt matter. V* is v*. It sounds like your mom may be coming down with it.

    Is there stuff going around up there[img]smileys/smilies_01.gif[/img]

    Hope everyone feels better...

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Hey Laura!

    Wow you got through a heck of a night! It does seem like v*ing can be worse sometimes than others. I mean I guess I think of it as the same action, but then theres well how many times it happens. I know whenever I am sick v*ing, I plug my nose so it doesn't do the out the nose thing! Eek! Would that have helped, or did it not matter in your case if you had or not? Sounds like food poisioning to me, urgh! I wonder why that would be so much worse? I mean a sv, you have "toxins" (the bacteria/virus making you ill) and the same sort of thing with food poisoning (bacteria making you ill). It doesnt seem like they'd be much different, but maybe they are. Anyways enough rambling lol. You handled that very well, and I think you are very brave for getting through that.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    United States


    Hi Laura, In answer to your question about the v* with the food poisoning. He'd be stomach sick a couple times until all the food that was causing the ordeal was off his stomach. Then it just made it's way a day or two through the digestive track the other way. From you symptoms you sound like you got the food part out with one shot (thank god!!) and now your just suffering through the lower GI part. Did you try the immodium?? When he had the food poisoning the doc. said to let nature take it's course because he needed to get that the bad stuff out. Stay away from dairy products. Eat banannas (if you like them, I hate them), rice, applesauce, and toast (no butter, but try jelly). Otherwise, known as the brat diet until your feeling better. I wouldn't push it with any protein items at this point either. Protein is hard to digest. I think you'll feel loads better tommorrow. Just get a lot of rest, and by the way if you can get it try drinking some pedalyte it will replenish all the minerals your losing, you don't want to get dehydrated. Keep us informed. I hope your mom is okay too!!!!

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    Poor Laura. I would have had a heart attack if I had to go through that. Just reading it makes me feel like I am coming down with something lol. Anyhow, I am glad to hear that your mother remained by your side through it all. I hope I can be that kind of mother to my own children.


    P.S. I wonder why I seek these types of posts out to read and empathize with even though I hate the idea of nausea or V*ing?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    United States


    wow....this would be so traumatizing for me.

    thank you for the warning that this story was graphic, but, like a true masochist, i read it anyway[img]smileys/smilies_12.gif[/img]

    i'm amazed you handled it so well. if i was in that situation, i probably would have offed myself. not, funny, but true. i have told my fiance that if i feel like it might happen, he needs to run me to the hospital and have me sedated. this fear has made me consider suicide many times...i don't know if icould stop myself coming face to face with it.

    i'm proud of you.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    Wow sunshine, you had an ordeal, glad you got through it and had your mom there to help you! Take care, and feel better!

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    United States


    Wow, you're an inspiration, Laura. You did so well, especially for such a horriblehorribleordeal.I'm sorry you're still not feeling well. Feel better soon, and keep us updated!


    **No one knows what it\'s like behind my green eyes.**

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  27. #27
    Join Date
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    United Kingdom


    that sounds awful Laura. god - i just think i would have wanted to die.

    sorry - i feel so down that i just dont know what to say. i hope you get better soon Laura.

    ems x

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2004


    Laura, by now I think you managed to sleep and I'm sorry I didn't see the post earlier, because I would have said that you probably wouldn't v again, because too much time had already passed for it to happen again.

    I do hope you managed to sleep ok, and I hope you are going to wake up feeling better too.

    How's your mom? She better too?

    By the way, where'd you eat the Fajitas? At home or out to a restaurant? Just curious....And you said the chicken tasted funny????

    Well I really do hope you pull through this and it doesn't affect you at all, because we gotta get stronger when these things happen, right? RIGHT! lol

    Feel better sweetie!


  29. #29
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    United States


    I am so sorry you had such a rough ordeal. I read your post
    yesterday, but did not have time to respond. However, I
    have been thinking about you since.

    I have noticed that so many people are commenting about SV vs. food
    poisoning. I think it is almost impossible to determine what you
    have unless you have a stool culture done.

    People use the term food poisoning pretty loosely. There are
    foods that can be slightly off that created havoc with our digestive
    tract for a few hours. Then there is the real nasty food
    poisoning that causes hospitalization or even death. I read
    someonwhere (which I could find the site) that said that as much as 50%
    of what people attribute to being a sv is actually mild food
    poisoning. Both cause violent d*** and V****.

    My sister ate at a Denny's one night at 2:00 in the morning after going
    to a concert. Five hours later as she was trying to get dressed
    for work, she began to shiver and had horrible abdominal
    cramping. Next came the severe diarrhea. Then she v****.
    Both my mother and sister assumed it was a sv. This was on a
    Sunday morning. By Sunday evening my sister was not better.
    My mother took her to the hospital. She was admitted and given
    IV'S. By this point the doctors were mulling over the idea that
    she may have had food poisoning and took a culture. By Wednesday,
    they found the culprit - salmonella. She stayed in the hospital
    until Friday morning. During that week, several
    people became ill who also happened to eat at the Denny's. The
    whole ordeal made our city newspaper. The offender was the
    scrambled eggs on the food bar.

    If my sister had not gone to the hospital would she have recovered on
    her own and just assumed that it was sv? We'll never
    know. I think the reason the doctors pursued the food poisoning
    component may be two-fold. First, this was several years back
    when sv's did not go around as rampantly as they do now. Second,
    she got sick in the summer and there were no sicknesses going
    around. Her isolated sickness probably prompted them to think
    food poisoning. I have often wondered if she presented to the
    emergency room in the middle of the winter when so many people have
    sv's would the doctors have just assumed she had a virus.

    Anyway, that does not negate the severity of what you had. You
    will never know. What you do know is that you were very very sick
    and that you also recovered. How brave you are. I am so
    proud of you.

    Feel better and please keep us posted on you and your mother's progress.


  30. #30
    Join Date
    Apr 2004


    I really hope both you and your mom are feeling better!!!



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