Ive posted so many times over past week so Im sorry to post again but I feel so awful I could cry.

Long story short - Ive felt unwell with stomach probs since a couple of weeks before christmas. I have been diagnosd with gastritis and sometimes this flares up but this just seems much worse. Last week I had 2 days off work due to illness. My dr prescribed me a high dose of a combination of antibiotics to treat a possible h pylori infection. I took my last dose 14 hrs ago and yet here I am feeling just as ill as ever and although Im desperately tired everytime I drop off I wake up within a minute feeling like I could v*. Today I developed a bit of a cold, just a sore throat, a bit achy and a headache, but the worse thing is a dry tickly cough which makes me feel like gagging when I cough. I feel like my physical and mental health is taking a real beating lately.

I bought probiotics but am afraid to try them whilst Ive got to work. Ive read on here that people can have reactions to them at first and so I keep putting off trying them. What are the most common side effects?

Im fed up of feeling n* and Im fed up of moaning. Every day is a struggle and Im fed up of fighting what seems like a losing battle